Posted in Cute stuff

Scholastic Treasury of Storybook Classics

I just bought Scholastic’s Treasury of Storybook Classics. There are 16 DVDs with 100 stories of beloved classics.

storybook-classics.jpgThere are so many stories in there. I have most of the books in the collection, but I have been on a quest to buy all the books in there. I am using this as a teaching resource.

For the Unit Opener for the Imagination Unit, I have the perfect idea.  I am going to be introducing & reintroducing compare and contrast. I found this graphic organizer here and am using this as a complement to the DVD and the book of Harold & The Purple Crayon.

First I read the book to them, then let them watch the tape. We explored the difference between watching it and having it read to you or reading it yourself.

That’s just one of the uses for this. There are so many good stories in there; so many that I love. Phillise loves Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, David loves Where the Wild Things Are, and I love Harold & the Purple Crayon.

I purchased it at Costco for $65 after tax. That is less than a dollar per story. Some are even in Spanish.So do yourself and your child a favor and purchase this. You won’t regret it.

Until next time people!


I am a 53 year old empty nester, mother of four adult children, ages 22-34, and grandmother to two (River & Dakota) who's currently... figuring me out!

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