Posted in teaching

Swamped Me!

Dear Readers,

I did not realize it’d been so long since I’ve written. I got out of the habit of writing. Time to correct that. Even though I am simply swamped, I will make time.

I wrongfully thought that I’d have more time to myself to do whatever since I’m single! But, nope. I am seriously busy. Makes me wonder how I used to get anything done with four children and a husband. I guess I’m not managing my time right. It’s also that I’m trying to get a handle on my new job. It’s the same job, but we changed from a traditional school to an independent studies program.

I was psyched to work here because I thought this job would be less work. Wrong!!! But, before I can get to life on easy street, I have to learn a specialized program (which is simply not intuitive), and learn all subjects (Except Math. I send them to the Math teacher). Not sure if this sounds like much to you, but it is.

Since I am now out of survival mode, I can begin learning the materials, creating forms and other items to make my job easier and to help move the students along.

So, for now Dear Readers, I’m going to write more!

Until next time!