Posted in book reviews

One Hundred Hungry Ants by Eleanor Pinczes

One hundred hungry ants by Eleanor Pinczes is the book that I’m reviewing today. I like this book and the style of it. It’s the best kind of teaching. It’s teaching even when the kids don’t even know they are being taught. Children are taught about division without even knowing it.


I was surprised that the book was published so long ago. It was published in 1993. I didn’t know that it was that old. I mean it’s not a million years ago or anything. It’s just that some methods become outdated. Not so with this book. I guess good teaching is timeless.

This book is a visual introduction to math. I was introduced to it in my Math for Elementary Teachers class. My teacher, Richard, was very knowledgeable when it came to books. So on the strength of his recommendation, I purchased this book and the other one, A Remainder of One, by this author. I was not disappointed. In July, I gave the book to my little boy to read. I told him that I read it and that it was a good book. He looked at me like I was crazy. After all, what do I know? I’m only his mother right! He read it grudgingly. Fast forward three months to October when his teacher introduced it to the class. He came home and told me that his teacher was reading it to them.

(I’m sorry. I had to rub it in.) Well, well, well. Maybe I’m not so dumb after all. Maybe I might just know what I’m talking about after all. Hunhh!

Okay, mom. Maybe you do!

Of course I do.

It feels so good to be right.

Posted in Great websites

MasterCard moment

Got any old books just lying around the house collecting dust? Why don’t you do something useful with them. Trade them with others. I found this great website, Paperback swap, that lets you trade your old books. You simply list at least 9 books that you want to share. After that you can order 3 books free of charge and have them mailed directly to you.

Once someone else selects one of your books that you’ve listed, you mail it to them. You do pay for the postage, but you get a book credit. You use this book credit to select any other book that you want.

For every book that you mail out you get one in return.

I found it totally by accident from this site:

She homeschools her children. If you are reading this blog and you homeschool, check it out. She has good information on her site.

Thanks Mom loves being at home!

The price of registering and joining: Free

The benefits of bringing the joy of reading to others: Priceless.

For everything else, there’s MasterCard! 🙂

Life don’t get much better than that.

Posted in Great websites

Guys Read

Jon Scieszka, who is a former school teacher, created a website just for boys. It’s called Guys Read. It is for boys who hate to read. He wants to motivate boys to read. He believes that reading is not usually seen as a masculine thing to do, so he wants to change that. It is a web-based literacy program for guys by guys to get boys to read.

On the website you can:

  • sign up for the Guys Read club
  • make you own club
  • print the Guys Read poster, bookmarks and stickers
  • read Scieszka’s favorite authors

I reported on him for a project for my children’s literature class. For my handouts, I printed out the bookmarks and stickers. I laminated the bookmarks, put the stickers in the Xyron sticker maker and gave them both out. The class loved them and my teacher was so impressed.

My 9-year old little boy loved the bookmarks and the stickers. I made some for his class. I couldn’t believe that he asked. He must have really liked them. He always tells me that the stuff I make is cool, but he never asked me to make anything for him.

Thank you Mr. Scieszka for creating this site.

If you would like to make your own Guys Read section in your own home, library or school, visit the website and check it out @

Posted in teaching


R-E-S-P-E-C-T. I’ll tell me what it means to me.

Respect, as defined by Merriam-Webster, is an act of giving particular attention; high or special regard; the quality or state of being esteemed.

Believe it or not, there are people that I know who think that respect is optional. I am here to tell you that respect is not optional. It is a must.

When I first meet a group of students, I let them know from the beginning that respect is not optional. It is a requirement. I will accept nothing less.

These are the steps to take to ensure that respect is given to you:

  1. Tell them. Once expectations are clear, they know what the rules are.
  2. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Beat the rules into the ground. For at least the first two months, whenever there is an indiscretion or misbehavior, gently remind them of the rules.
  3. Ask them what you told them. Have them repeat what you told them back to you so that there are no misunderstandings.
  4. Enforce it. Rules written down on a cute poster board and laminated are real cute, but it doesn’t mean a hill of beans if they aren’t enforced.
  5. Be consistent with the rules and the reinforcement of them.
  6. Respect them. If the child is being punished, tell them why. Don’t embarrass them in front of their peers. Ask yourself, “Would I accept this behavior if someone were to do this to me?”

Follow these rules and there shouldn’t be too many problems.

Posted in book reviews

Not The Besta’ Scieszka (Shess-ka)

If you have a really offbeat sense of humor like me, then you’ll like this author with a weird name. Jon Scieszka. Even though his name looks hard to pronounce, it really isn’t. It’s pronounced Shess-ka.

You’ve probably heard of him. He has written over twenty books, including the chapter book series, The Time Warp Trio. He also wrote The Stinky Cheeseman and other fairly stupid tales.

Although he works with other illustrators, my favorite books are the ones with Lane Smith. He has such a quirky style.

Before reading this particular book, I loved all of his books. Not this one. It’s called BALONEY. It’s not a new book. It was published in 2001, but I though that it was still worthy of a review. It’s about a little alien named Henry P. Baloney who is late for school yet again. He has to have a really good and believable excuse or his teacher, Miss Bugscuffle, is going to give him Permanent Lifelong Detention.

He, of course, comes up with many excuses. You see, he would have come on time but he lost his trusty zimulis (pencil in Latvian), then he found it on his deski (Swahili for desk), but someone put his deski in a torakku (Japanese for truck). Don’t worry about understanding it. Scieszka provides a decoder at the end of the book.


The book has a great silver cover, the illustrations are eye-catching and the text is witty, but something is missing. This book didn’t catch my attention like his other books. It’s amusing, but it just isn’t what I have come to expect from Scieszka. He is a victim of his own success. He has written such great books, that when he writes a book that is just good, but not great, it is a little disappointing.

Even though I didn’t like this one, this is only one of his book. The rest are excellent. This guy is one of my favorite children books authors. I would highly recommend his books and his website. He created a website just for guys. It’s called Guys Read. I will do a post on that later. As for the book, who knows, just because I didn’t like it, it doesn’t mean that you won’t. Check it out.

Posted in Random thoughts

The “Write” Way

As I said in my About Me page, I am a sci-fi junkie. I love most things sci-fi. I especially love good sci-fi. Before I really got into Stargate SG-1, I was the biggest Babylon 5 fan. Boy was I scared of those Shadows! The last episode was movie worthy. It was wayyyy better than the Star Trek movies, Generations and Insurrection.

I like(d) these shows because, to me, they are/were consistently well written. At least Stargate SG-1 was until this last season. What’s up with this season’s filler shows? They suck! I thought the last was supposed to be the best. They were supposed to bring their “A” game. As you should be able to tell by my ranting, they have not.

I am so disappointed. I feel this way about any type of bad writing, not just on my favorite shows. That is why I am so disappointed when I read a blog, a book or a magazine article and the writing is sub par.

If you’ve been reading my blog so far, you should know by now that I’m a little silly, not very serious about certain things and have a tongue-in-cheek writing style.

This is why I will do my darndest to make sure that my blog’s writing is not disappointing. This is 5 things that you will get when you read my blog:

  1. At least one laugh, out loud.
  2. Food for thought, some will make you think.
  3. Good information.
  4. Helpful hints and/or techniques, whether or not it’s about educational stuff. But it probably will be.
  5. Silliness. ‘Nuff said.

I love writing and I love being silly. I never intend for this blog to be too serious or boring, just some fun stuff.

Thanks for listening!

Thanks Fashionista. Your “5 Things That I Want Now” post is the inspiration for this.

Posted in teaching

This Journey

I visit a lot of sites during the day and am fairly impressed by the amount of thought and planning that goes into teaching. Thank goodness that I love doing that stuff or I would be outta’ luck when it comes to teaching. I was just over at Andrew’s blog and looked at a project that he did with his students. It was very nice.

I am panicking now because I am unsure of myself, but I know I’ll be okay. Even though I know that I’ll be able to come up with a lot of creative stuff, sometimes I still have my doubts.

I know that everything that I’ve learned about children, everything that I’ve learned in school and in life will come in handy as I begin this journey.

Boy, it sure is taking a long time to get there!

Posted in Food for thought

Faculty Meeting

Before I started blogging, I was vehemently opposed to advertising on blogs. I thought that it sullied the very nature of a blog. Would I sell space in my pen and paper diary? I think not.

However, that was before I became the Blogmëister.

It has only been two weeks and I already have 35 28 posts.

35 28 posts? Are you kidding me? In two weeks? Did I get carried away? Yep. Sure did; in record time too. Boy, when I do something, I go all the way, don’t I?

I’m not going to stop though. I love it.

But, as usual, I digress. Back to my original thought.

I started blogging because I need an outlet for my talkativeness. I just wanted to do it for fun. I hated the thought of blog advertising. Yet, once I started checking around and found out that there’s real money to be made doing this, I was sold. I wanted to know how much could be made. How do I get started? How many advertisers do I need to make the big bucks?

My husband gave me a reality check. “Weren’t you the one, just two weeks ago, who was opposed to blog advertising?” he said.

I had to think about it. “You know what, you’re right,” I said.

My bad!!

Once I regained my faculties, I started to think about my original position.

How could I have been taken in so quickly? As I said yesterday, this blog thing is so intoxicating.

Don’t get me wrong. In all fairness, I have seen quite a few who have managed to integrate their advertisements into their blog quite seamlessly. I have nothing against those who place advertisements on their blog. I just don’t want to do it, especially if it causes conflict of interest. I don’t want to give a good review just because I’m getting free stuff.

If blog advertising is for you, go ahead and make that money. Just don’t let that money make you. Okay, sorry about that. I’m straying again. I had a Player’s Club flashback. Hey, Player’s Club. I wonder if I can make money there.

The meeting will reconvene in……

Posted in Random thoughts

Isn’t It Ironic?

This blog thing reminds me of days when I just think that I am so cute. I put my outfit together at night and try it on. I make sure that my hair is just so. I match up my shoes and my purse and head out the door.

When I get to work, nothing! Not a word! At this point, I’m a little miffed. Why didn’t anyone compliment me? Especially after I spent so much time putting this look together.

I feel like saying, “Look at me dammit, I’m cute.”

Fast forward to a few days later when I need my hair done, am badly in need of a pedicure and just feel like something the cat just dragged in.

Girl, you look different. What did you do to your hair? Is that dress new?

I look around to see who they’re talking to. Since there is no one else around, I guess they’re talking to me.

I’m thinking,”What?” Are you crazy? I barely managed to drag myself outta’ bed. I need my hair done. Puuhleez, don’t even mention the toes!

That’s how I feel about some of my posts that I thought out so thoroughly like “Why you ackin’ like that.” I was thinking that it was going to get so many hits that the wordpress servers would just blow up (smile). Whereas a simple post like “Google-y me” gets so many more hits.

I think that it’s pretty darn ironic that the posts that I take the most time on, and am just so sure that everyone is going to love, turn out to be the one that get the least amount of hits. The ones that I just throw together get the most attention.

Ya’ think part of the problem could be that I’m so talkative?

Just a thought!

Well, c’est la vie! I’m just happy that people are reading this!

Posted in Cute stuff

Blog Nog

This thing called a blog is so intoxicating. It is so addicting. Like any drug or mood altering substance, more is required.

I find myself checking my blog and feed stats excessively. I find myself re-reading my posts and congratulating myself on how cute, original and/or good they were.

Well, what do you know? I actually have some people willing to read what I’m writing. So once I discovered that people were actually reading my stuff, I had to give them more.You’re my adoring public. Off course I have to give you more. (smile)

At first I just wanted anyone to read it. Then I got a “hit”. Then I wanted ten hits, then 20, then 30. Next stop, the world! (evil villain laugh) 🙂

Phew…. that was close. Okay, I’m back! I was straying; going off on a tangent.

That’s how this blog thing is. How many readers are enough? 10?…. 20? ….100?….1000?

I don’t need 1000 readers a day. Do I?

Well, maybe just 999!

Posted in life, Random thoughts

Fly Away!

Fly away! This is what I want to tell my oldest son as he embarks on the first leg of his soon-to-be adult journey.

I should want him to drive, but I don’t.

I should be ready for him to move out; but I’m not.

I know that over the past couple years I’ve wanted to put on some boxing gloves and beat the snot out of him, but he is still my firstborn.

His little feet were the first little feet that kicked my stomach. It was his little hand that I held when I said hi to him for the very first time.

He was the reason that I had my first Mother’s Day.

So, you’re the one that been kicking me this whole time, eh?

How could something so tiny (5lbs., 14oz) bring me so much joy? How could something so tiny scare me so much?

Once it really hit me that I was responsible for this tiny little life, I was so scared, but I sucked it up and tried to be the best mother that I could.

As I write this, tears are coming to my eyes, but I won’t let them spill. I have to be strong. I can’t let him know that I am scared for him. Can I?

I am such an emotional wreck right now. I am very emotional anyway, but this has pushed me over the edge. Another thing about me-I don’t like others to see me cry. However, this year, I have been a big fat crying baby.

I have been crying at the drop of a hat.

Heck, what doesn’t make me cry?!!

I cried when I gave my last presentation in art. It was a self-portrait. I promised myself that I wouldn’t cry. But of course I did in front of the whole class.

I cried when he started twelfth grade because I knew that he would be graduating at the end of the year. I cried when we bought his prom suit because I knew that not only would he be graduating at the end of the year, but that the end of the year was only two months away.

So, while I don’t want him to fly away, I know that he must.

Posted in Food for thought

Stop Being A Baby!

Ever think about this:

Those who fight the hardest to be considered an adult when they’re younger are usually the ones who fight the hardest to go back to being a child when they’re older.



And that my dear sir or madam is food for thought!

Posted in teaching

What Is That? That Freaky Thing?

What is that? That freaky thing?

I don’t know what it is, but I can describe it for you. It smells. It’s messy. Sometimes it’s even rude. Oh, and did I forget to tell that it knows absolutely everything there is to know.

It also seems to be allergic to advice. I can tell by the way it narrows its beady little eyes, like something is wrong with it, when I offer up any type of advice to it.

I know because I have offered it good advice. Only to have it turn its nose up at me and tell me that it already knows.

It’s my fault that I have this creature living in my house. I admit it. I invited it in; but in all honesty, I didn’t know what I was doing. Honest! I didn’t know what I was setting myself up for at the time.

Okay, let’s start at the beginning. When it was a little creature, it was the cutest little thing. I got sooo many compliments on it. It was very well mannered. It even ate everything on its plate.

Now, it’s a picky eater. It can’t eat fish, or this or that.

Now, it’s the worst possible house guest. You can even tell where it’s been by following the trail of food and its smell.

Did I mention that it eats its weight in gold? Everyday?

Its behavior doesn’t bother me so much anymore though because I know that maybe, just maybe, someday soon, that it won’t be a creature anymore.

Be careful, though. I don’t know. Maybe this could happen to you!

What? You don’t think so!!

Don’t be so naive as to think that it can’t happen to you. I didn’t think that it could happen to me.

Be on the lookout! Perhaps, you’ve even seen one lurking in your home.

I’m telling you, they come out of nowhere. Maybe (gasp), you already have one in your home. If you do, I can guarantee you that you don’t even know how it got there. You may not even recognize it for that matter.

Perhaps you’ve heard of it. It’s called a TEENAGER!!!!

Posted in Cute stuff

Make it fun! Part 2

Here is another cute little website that I use at school. It’s great. The website is very child-friendly and is easy to navigate around. It teaches stuff like chunking, which is basically breaking the words into little chunks to make them more manageable.  It also teaches the long vowels and short vowels. Learning all of this will help your child learn to read. It will help you stay up to date with what teachers are teaching. It is also great for homeschoolers. (Nick!) 🙂

The website is:

Check it out!

Posted in book reviews

Snuggle Mountain by Lindsey Lane

Snuggle mountain

I just found this book for my daughter by author, Lindsey Lane. It is so cute. I saw it in the store, picked it up and read it right in the aisle. The inside flap of the jacket was very enticing. It made me want to read more. The site says that the book is for ages birth-3, but my daughter is 5 and she enjoyed it.

Here is the description of the book from the Houghtonmifflin site.
It’s morning, and Emma wants pancakes. But the two-headed giant who lives on Snuggle Mountain has forgotten all about breakfast. So lump by bump, Emma begins her climb up the shaking, quaking mountain to reach the giant’s snuggly cave. How can Emma wake the giant without getting caught in the Sleeping Spell?

It is basically a book about a little girl trying to wake her sleeping parents on a lazy Saturday to make breakfast. Will she be able to do it? or will she also get caught in the Sleeping Spell once she conquers the giant mountain? Read it and find out. I think you’ll enjoy it.

I also found an interview with the books’ author describing how she got the idea. If you would like to read the interview, here is the link: Author interview

Posted in Cute stuff, teaching

Tongue-in-cheek Parent Letter


As y’all know, I am trying to do as much as I can while I get ready to get ready for my first year of teaching. One of my things that I want to do is compose a parent letter to introduce myself, let the parents know what to expect, to get contact information, etc., etc., blah, blah, blah. N-e way, I happened upon this tongue-in-cheek parent letter written by tamasha. This letter comes with a word of caution from tamasha to not actually send it. Just write it to get your frustration out. With her permission, I have printed it here for you to laugh at and enjoy. Hopefully, you’ll enjoy it as much as I did.

Dear Parents,

It is more likely than not that, as his teacher, I have a great deal of affection for your child. I might, in my own way, even love him (but don’t count on it – I might not even like him). However, unlike you, I do not worship your child. I will not believe everything he says (and you will be upset when I don’t), but I will believe much of it (and you will be upset that I do, especially if it makes you look bad). I will not cater to his every whimsy or acknowledge his every complaint (especially if it’s about homework).

But, I will do my best (which might not be that good because this year it’s based mostly on instinct) to make your child feel safe and comfortable and happy and loved (or at least liked, even if it’s really just tolerated) in my classroom. Which is more than some of you can say about your homes, despite their size (huge) and addresses (swanktastic).

Unfortunately, with some of you I will never win. If I don’t give your child enough homework that means he is not challenged enough, he’s not learning anything, you’re paying all this dough for nothing. If I give him too much homework I’m stifling his creativity, taking away from family time, soccer, violin, or gymnastics. Interestingly, there is never “just the right amount” of homework.

If I inform you that your child is struggling with attention / timeliness / organization / abstract thinking / empathy I am complaining, hurting his feelings. If I don’t inform you of this, I am not communicating well enough.

Lucky for me, as the “hired help,” I only have to teach your child for ten months. You’ve got him for as long as you both shall live.


With the utmost sincerity,

Posted in Random thoughts

Restless Me!

I am so restless. I am still getting ready to get ready.

Why am I so restless? I don’t want to go to work. I feel so burnt out.

I finally finished school; something that I’ve wanted since I first started in 1988. Why then don’t I feel fulfilled?

I thought that I would feel a sense of accomplishment, but I don’t.

I started this blog sort of as a replacement for school. I had to have something to do. I felt like a slacker not doing anything. Sure, this blog helps, but it just doesn’t seem to be enough. I need something more, but I don’t know what it is. Why? Why? Why am I so restless?

Posted in Financial stuff, teaching


I’ve mentioned the C.S.E.T. before. If you’re reading this website, you probably know what the acronym stands for. If not, then let me enlighten you. It is the California Subject Examinations for Teachers, which is yet another hoop that L.A.U.S.D. expects you to jump through to get hired. I think that California has the strictest requirements in the nation to become a teacher.

Well, after preparing for months, I took it on Saturday. I won’t know my results for at least two weeks. I was so scared! After all, only my future as a teacher is hanging in the balance, right?

It did not turn out to be the nightmare that I thought it would be. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t easy. It just wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. Even though I hope that I did pass it. If I didn’t pass it, all is not lost. I will just take it again until I do. C’est la vie!

For more information on the C.S.E.T., visit the site:

Posted in book reviews

Why You Ackin’ Like That? (The Willie Lynch Letter)

I feel that I would be totally remiss if I did not mention the black community, as a whole, and our sad state of affairs. Why is our black community the way it is?

If you will, ask yourselves these questions? Maybe it can shed some light on a few things.

Do you ever wonder why we act the way we do? Why are there so many female heads of household? Why do light-skinned blacks sometimes dislike dark-skinned blacks and vice-versa? Why does it seem as if the older generation is at war with the younger generation?

If you would like to know the answer, read this little pamphlet by Willie Lynch, an 18th century slave owner who wrote the book (literally) on how to break the unruliest of the unruliest, rebellious African slave.

A couple of years ago, someone recommended that I read the Willie Lynch letter.

“Who is Willie Lynch?”, I asked.

They were more than happy to tell me. They told me that I had to read it.

I did some research on him and found out exactly who this vile person was. Willie Lynch was a white slave owner almost three hundred years ago. He wrote this little pamphlet. It wasn’t even a book. It was just a pamphlet. A pamphlet!!!! That little pamphlet has so much negative power. You can feel the hatred.

I really had to fight with myself because I did not want to pick up that book; let alone read it. However, I knew that the message in there was worth the read.

He had a plan to tame the unruliest slave among them. Usually a man. This, according to Lynch, is done to keep all the other slaves in line. For this plan to work, he had to have a female slave, and an infant. The unruly slave is to be stripped of his clothes in front of the remaining males, the female and the infant. Next he was to be tarred and feathered, with each leg tied to a different horse set in opposing directions. This would result in his being pulled limb from limb, while the remaining slave was beat to within an inch of his life in front of the female and the infant.

The point wasn’t to kill him. It was to put the fear of God into him, so that he could be useful for future breeding.

This was all part of his plan to break the woman also. This, according to Lynch, reversed nature. This is why we have so many women heading the household.

That’s why we have so many of our black men abandoning their families and in prison.

He turned the black community on its head. Lynch predicted that if this process was done correctly it would be effective for hundreds of years. In 5 years, it will be three hundred years.

We are still feeling the effects almost THREE HUNDRED years later.

Do you hear me people? It is almost THREE HUNDRED years later and his work is still in effect!!!!

Because of Lynch, instead of the female leaning on the male (the way it should be), we now have the male leaning on the female.

She trains up her young men to be quiet and not cause a fuss, lest the massa’ find out; while she trains up her young women to be strong and independent and not lean on a man.

The effects of Lynch’s letter have indeed been far reaching. The way we act is so deeply ingrained that we don’t even know why we act the way we act.

That little pamphlet had then and still has so much negative power.

If you would like to read this letter for yourself, Google it or purchase it for yourself at Amazon and let everyone you know read it.

Posted in In the know!!

For Teachers In The Know

The Scholastic site is a wealth of information and resources. The posting two days ago was about their big sale. Today’s post is about one of the resources available on their site. There is a feature on the website that allows teachers to create a homepage. This allows the parents to check up on the children. Now, although we trust the little darlings, sometimes they may forget, be absent or just not want to do something. At any rate, the information is there and it allows good parent-teacher communication.
Here’s what’s on the homepage:

  • Announcements
  • Homework assignments due
  • Book lists
  • Software lists
  • Online activities and class projects
  • Important links and resources

It took about 10 minutes to set up. Although I’m still trying to figure this part out, there is a feature on there where you can upload images from your own computer. My page is still under construction, though because I don’t know what school I’ll be working at. All and all, it was pretty easy to set up.

Posted in Random thoughts

Getting Ready To Get Ready

Teaching is like having a baby. You can try your best to do what you can to get ready for it. But, unfortunately, there is no way that you can prepare yourself for a total life change like that. You can try to get as much sleep as you can before the baby comes. You can try to brush up on your skills (especially if you’re a little rusty). But when it comes down to it, there is nothing that can prepare you for the sleepless , one-eyed, two o’clock-in the morning feedings and sleep deprivation. I have a sneaking feeling that that is how teaching is going to be.

Oh, I know that there will be sleep deprivation. Probably a lot. But the frantic last minute grading of the report cards or the 4 hour I.E.P. meetings replaces the diaper changing and one-eyed, two o’clock-in-the morning feedings

I’m trying to do what I can. Ya know, simple stuff, like buying stickers, making reward charts, designing my introduction letter to the parents and most importantly, doing some research. However, I just have this gnawing feeling in the pit of my stomach that there is nothing I can do to fully prepare.

There will be so much on the job training. I know that I can count on the kids to let me know. They are very honest. Trust me, they’ll let me know.

Even though I’m scared, I’m looking forward to it because there is no more getting ready to get ready. In September, it will be the real deal; and I had damn well better be ready.

Posted in Random thoughts


My husband says that I am a blogmëister because I’ve only been doing this for 5 days and I already have over 10 posts. Do you think he’s right?

Okay, maybe I have gotten a little carried away. I have been spending a little bit of time on this. He wants my attention back. Especially since I’ve been in school for almost two years straight without a break. The time that I spent on homework was ridiculous. He was just expecting to spend a little time with me. Maybe I’ll apologize. After all, who can blame him? He does have good taste!!

Posted in Random thoughts

So What Is This Blog About, Anyway?

If I were reading this blog, I would think, what is this blog about. Well, this blog is about my first year as a special education teacher, being a working mom, and random stuff. The only thing is that I haven’t started working as a teacher yet. I start in September, so that’s when it will actually be about special education stuff. Since I am a special education assistant for the next 5 weeks until the end of school, I might actually put something in here about it. But mostly, this is about me….melodramatic ole’ me. Bye.

Posted in sales and discounts

Scholastic Book Fair

♥ If you love books and you’re in L.A. and the surrounding area, this should make you happy. Scholastic is having a book fair. It starts today. It’s being touted as the BIGGEST book sale ever with up to 80% off. Visit the website and register for the Fast-cart pass≡ to receive a $10 off $50 savings coupon.The website address is:

The dates are:

Wednesday, May 16, 2007- Thursday, May 31, 2007

The store hours are:

Monday-Thursday 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Friday-Saturday 9:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.

@ the Culver City location (on Washington just a little past Sepulveda)

Culver City Warehouse
10846 Washington Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232
(310) 841-6667
I have only included locations near me, but there are locations all over. Check the website for a location near you. ♥

Posted in My rant


Let me just get this off my chest. I am pissed off to the highest of Pissivity!! Yes, I did say pissivity!!

I am proctoring the state mandated tests at the school that I work at and boy am I pissed.

Let me just say that it is not fair. I sound like a whining baby, but I’ll say it again, “IT’S NOT FAIR!”

Those questions are soooo tricky. It seems to me that the people who make the test don’t want most children taking it to succeed.

I have personally worked one on one with some of the children and I know that they knew some of the questions that they marked wrong. But they couldn’t make up their minds. I felt so helpless because, of course, I couldn’t help them.

In my opinion and the opinion of many others, this test is only designed to humiliate. I HATE IT, HATE IT, HATE IT!!

And that my dear sir or madam is my rant for the day!!

Posted in Anecdotes

Who’s In The Classroom?

In the immortal words of David Alan Grier of In Living Color fame: I got a little story to tell you. Like to hear it; here it goes.

This is the cutest little anecdote.

Like any mom on the run, trying to get ready for work, I did one of my usual numbers of getting out the bath tub and forgot to properly lotion up my feet. Now, y’all know that without lotion, my people, we can get a little ashy.

When I get to work and take another look at my feet, I know that drastic measures are in order. I rush to the classroom so that no one will see those ‘ole ashy feet of mine to put on some lotion. Talk about a walk of shame (lol) :).

Thankfully I get to the classroom before the kids get there and lotion up. However, there is a slight problem. Because of the shoes I’m wearing, I know that my feet are going to start slipping and sliding all over the place. So, I walk on the polished concrete floor to get to the carpet to wipe some of the lotion off my feet.

However, unbeknownst to me, I left little footprints all over the place.

Fast forward 5 minutes later to when the students are in the classroom. Everyone is working except for two little boys. I want to know why they are not working and why they have a confused look on their face, so I ask them what’s wrong.

One of them says hey! (very secretively), Do you see those footprints? “Yeah, I do. I made them,” I say. I show them my feet and explain the story to them.

Ooooh!! he says while slapping his head, I thought there was an invisible person in the classroom!!!!

You just never know what they’re thinking. Who would have thunk it? I would never have even thought that. I am so glad that I took the time to explain. At least now he knows that there is no invisible person in the classroom! (lol). That’s too bad. Maybe they could’ve helped me get ready to teach!


Posted in Financial stuff

An A.P.L.E. A Day!!

Well folks, this post is kind of long, but here is the information about the A.P.L.E. grant. It is the Assumption Program of Loans for Education. It is our government’s way of giving back to those who labor so hard in a sometimes thankless job where the only rewards are the progress of the students. The website to find out more information about this excellent program is

For Future Teachers K through 12

The APLE is a competitive teacher incentive program designed to encourage outstanding students, district interns, and out-of-state teachers to become California teachers in subject areas where a critical teacher shortage has been identified or in designated schools meeting specific criteria established by the Superintendent of Public Instruction.

APLE applicants must agree to teach in one of the following teacher shortage areas:

– Mathematics (Grades 7 – 12)
– Science (Life/Physical)(Grades 7 – 12)
– Foreign Language
– Education Specialist Instruction (formerly Special Education)
– Reading and Language Arts
– English(Grades 7 – 12)
– Low-Income Area School
– School Serving Rural Area
– State Special School
– School with a High Percentage of Emergency Permit Teachers
– Low-Performing School


The 2005-2006 APLE eligible schools have been identified by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. This list may vary from prior year school listings. To locate an eligible school, you may click here.

Low-Performing –
Must be pursuing a muliple subject or single subject credential and agree to teach at a school ranked in the bottom 50th percentile of the Academic Performance Index (API) grades K-12.

APLE participants who agree to, and provide, the designated teaching service in the area of math, science, or education specialist instruction are eligible to receive an additional $1,000 per year in loan assumption benefits. Particpants meeting this requirement who provide teaching service in a California public school that is ranked in the lowest 20th percentile of the API are eligible to receive an additional $1,000 per year, making the total amount of loan assumption $19,000.

Designated Low Income –
Must be pursuing a multiple subject or single subject credential and agree to teach at a designated low-income school in grades K-12.

Schools with a High Percentage of Emergency Permit Teachers –
Must be pursuing a multiple subject or single subject credential and agree to teach at a school with a high percentage of emergency permit teachers in grades K-12.

Rural Schools –
Must be pursuing a multiple subject or single subject credential and agree to teach at a school serving rural areas in grades K-12.


The Commission may assume up to $19,000 in outstanding educational loan balances in return for four consecutive years teaching service.

* Up to $2,000 after completion of first full school year of eligible full-time teaching

* Up to $3,000 after completion of second full year of eligible full-time teaching

* Up to $3,000 after completion of third full school year of eligible full-time teaching

* Up to $3,000 after completion of fourth full school year of eligible full-time teaching


– Approved to receive or have received an educational loan(s)

– Not in default on any educational loans

– Agree to teach in a CA public school in one of the areas listed above for at least four years

The following are additional eligibility requirements for APLE only:

– Legal resident of CA

– Completed 60 semester units (90 quarter units)

– In a program leading to BA or in teacher prep program

Posted in teaching

Service Learning- Hold The Phone Please!!

When I first heard that a service learning project was required to receive the AmeriCorps award, I, like most of the people present, wondered what it was. I had no idea what it was; let alone how I was going to do it. Initially the project was a problem for me, but alas, all hope was not lost.
Being the wonderful organization that it is, T.E.A.M.S. brought in Service Learning expert, Cathryn Berger Kaye, M.A., author of The Complete Guide to Service Learning: Proven, Practical Ways to Engage Students in Civic Responsibility, Academic Curriculum, & Social Action, to help us out.

Berger says that service learning can be defined in part by what it does for your students (pg. 7). When service learning is used in a structured way that connects classroom content, literature, and skills to communicate needs, students will:

  • apply academic, social, and personal skills to improve the community
  • make decisions that have real, not hypothetical results.
  • grow as individuals, gain respect for peers, and increase civic participation.
  • experience success no matter what their ability level.
  • gain a deeper understanding of themselves, their community, and society.

Okay, that was a mouthful. But it honestly is a good thing. Once I found out what it was, I thought that it was the greatest idea because education of the children is always at the core of the service learning.

At the last meeting, some people shared their project. Can I just say that I was really impressed?

One of my fellow AmeriCorps members, Eleanor, shared her project of donating books to a school in South Africa. She even took a trip there. Her project helped the kids connect to the larger community, Africa.

To break it down even further and help you get a better understanding just in case you still don’t understand, let me tell you about the different lessons that came from this service learning project. Since the children are helping the African people, they will need to know where it is. This brings a geographic component into the equation. It also lends itself to a social studies lesson as the children need to learn about the culture. The writing component is also introduced into the equation. Money was donated to help defray the costs of shipping the books. The children had to count it, so this brought math into the equation. The list can go on, but as this is a simple blog and not a book, I’ll stop here.

I, of course, felt like such a slacker because I barely did anything. The recycling program at my school was already in place, so I pretty much phoned in my service learning project.

After seeing all of my fellow members’ hard work, I vowed to myself that for next year there would not be a phone in sight. No more phoning it in for me. I am going to start planning a year ahead of time like I do for my Valentine’s Day party, but I’ll save that for another post.

If you want to contact the service learning expert, I googled her and this is what I found:

Cathryn Berger Kaye

National Service Learning Consultant

13142 Lake Street

Los Angeles, California 90066

310 397-0070

Fax: 310 391-6297

Posted in Cute stuff

To Die For

I was so lucky. About three weeks ago, on one of my weekly trips to Michael’s, I got my heart’s desire. Imagine how happy I was when I saw that Sizzix’s personal die-cutting machine & the accompanying die-cuts were being retired so they were on sale for 60% off.


Now let me just tell you, I’ve had my eye on this machine for quite some time, but didn’t want to pay the original price of $89.99. Can you imagine how it felt to pay $35.99 before tax. OMG, for the just a little more than what I would have paid for just the machine, I was able to pick up the alphabet die cuts too. I just couldn’t bring myself to pay the original price of $149.99. However, $59.99 was just fine with me.

Talk about happy. I was more than happy; I was ecstatic. I was able to pick up these items for a song and dance. Am I a blessed woman or what?

I plan to use mine to scrapbook with my daughter for fun, but I will also use it to complete projects at home. I was so happy to find these things because sometimes the teacher’s workroom just doesn’t have what I want. Other times I just want to work at home. Now I can do that.

If you’d like to do the same or if you’re looking for a personal die-cutting machine of your own, try these sites. I found great deals on die-cuts on ebay and on the Sizzix website.

Even though this is small, I am trying to do everything that I can to prepare myself for the job that lies ahead of me. Sometimes, though, all I do just doesn’t seem like enough. Help!

Posted in Financial stuff

Money, Money, Money- Want $9,450?

I didn’t get a chance to write yesterday. I was so tired. Yesterday was my last AmeriCorps meeting of the year. These meetings are so helpful, but at times, they can be a tad bit boring. But, far be it for me to look a gift horse in the mouth. This is the way that I am going to pay for my education.

What is AmeriCorps you ask? AmeriCorps is a nationwide educational scholarship program. The program that I am in is administered through the University of San Francisco, called T.E.A.M.S. It stands for Teacher Education for the Advancement of a Multicultural Society. T.E.A.M.S. is a collaborative of schools and community based organizations, led by the University of San Francisco (USF), which provides resources, support and preparation for educators committed to diversity, equality and excellence in education.

It’s run by Julian Lute. He’s nice and not too hard to look at. Whenever I had a question or needed help with anything, he always responded very quickly, either through a phone call or e-mail. The rest of the staff that I had contact with, Mary Rose Fernandez and Lisa Ramlochan are muy helful and very nice also.

There are many AmeriCorps programs. You can participate for up two years in different ones for a total of $9, 450. The requirements to receive the award, besides filling out and keeping track or various paperwork, are as follows:

  • Be within the first five years of receiving your credential.
  • Completion of 1700 hours for the year, which is no problem if you’re a teacher, assistant or counselor. Don’t panic. Those are a lot of hours but they include your job hours, your school hours and the pedagogical seminar hours.
  • Attendance of 5-6 meetings/year
  • Completion of a service learning project (more on this tomorrow)
  • Be working with children, paid or volunteer.

To find more AmeriCorps programs just google AmeriCorps. There are many ways to pay for college; you just have to be willing to put in the legwork. For more information on the service learning project, check back tomorrow. For financial stuff, check Tuesday’s blog on the A.P.L.E. grant. Don’t know what that is? Well, I guess you’re just going to have to visit my blog to find out.

Here is all of their information just in case you are interested.

TEAMS/Americorps Program
University of San Francisco, School of Education
2130 Fulton Street
San Francisco, CA 94117-1080

415/422-5303 Tel 415/422-5724 Fax

Posted in Random thoughts

Hello World!

Hello world!

My name is Leila. I will be taking you on my journey with me. What is my journey? Glad you asked. I just graduated from college at the age of 36 (Yay, me!). I am a late bloomer just in case you couldn’t tell.

I got my degree in Human Development from Azusa Pacific University (APU) in Azusa, CA a week ago on May 5th. Well, that was the date of the commencement ceremony. My degree will not post until June 15th when my final classes come in. I have to wait and see what my grades are in those classes are to see if it is enough to put me over the top to a 3.7 gpa to graduate cum laude.

So, now that all the bragging is out of the way, I digress. Let’s get back to my original topic about this wonderful journey that we are about to embark upon together. We are about to go on a journey of that of imaginationOkay, I’m straying again. The journey that we are about to embark upon together is a serious one. I am going to have the lives of many little people in my hands.

My goal is to be one of the best Resource Specialist teachers ever. I want to be a victim of my own success. I want to exit as many kids out of my program as I can.

In my current work as a special education assistant for L.A.U.S.D., I am a responsible for providing services to about fifteen special education student. I spend time in the classroom with them and I also pull them out of the classroom for individual attention. I work with the teacher of record to provide intense instruction in fluency, decoding and reading. I am so pleased with the students’ progress this year. I hope to have many more. I don’t know what is in store for me, but I can only do my best.

As we speak, I am preparing to take the CSET next Saturday, May 19th, so that the district will hire me. Pray for me because this is just the beginning of the journey. I would like for those like me to join me, cry with me if necessary and give some good advice as we go on our journey together. Pray for me and with me as we begin.

Posted in Random thoughts

Talkative Me!!

I am so excited. Why didn’t I start this blog before. The fashionista @ has been on me for months to do this. I was so proud of her when she started hers. She was able to google herself. I told her that I wanted to be googled. Maybe some time in the near future, I will get that chance.

Anyway, this blog can help me get so many things off my chest. I don’t have to burn my husband’s ear off talking about teaching stuff that he doesn’t understand anyway. This blog will give me an outlet to run my big mouth, “so to speak”. Anyone who has something to say should write a blog. It is so great. Until the next time I can “run my mouth”, hasta la bye-bye.

Posted in Cute stuff

Educational Quotes

I love it when I find a quote that takes the words right out of my own mouth. In my earlier article, I stated that I want to be a victim of my own success. Well, I found the perfect quote that says just what I was thinking. It sums up my teaching philosophy perfectly.

A good teacher is one who makes himself progressively unnecessary.

-Thomas Carruthers

Posted in teaching

Make It Fun!!

When I am doing research for new and exciting stuff to try with the kids that I work with, there are a few websites that I go to time and time again. Since we are on this journey together, it is only fair that I share my information with you. So, at least once a month, I will post some websites worth a look-see.

In my current job, I have to use various methods to pique the interests of the children that I work with. To do this, I go to a lot of websites and use what I find. This site that I visited recently is very helpful. It’s filled with a lot of fun stuff. Since the childrens’ attention span is already limited, I have to do different things to capture their attention. And most of all, I have to make it fun for them.

There is one game in particular that two of my frst graders find fun and excitedly request. It’s played like Uno. I use it to teach them long vowel sounds. For fun stuff to get and keep your young charges interest, check out this website. This website will definitely help to make it fun.It contains games as well as a wealth of other services. The website is