Posted in teaching

Anxiety & Depression!

Hello Dear Readers,

I was in a bad state last year. I was in a battle with anxiety and depression that I did not think that I could win. But, I did! Hello, Healthy Mind!

It was a struggle, but one strategy I used to combat anxiety and depression was positive self-talk. I’m usually pretty confident, but this battle had me questioning my confidence and competence. I started a new job that I just could not get the hang of.

I found this pic that explained why I was having so much trouble with 
anxiety and depression and is one of the reasons that I tendered my

I and my energy were spent. I had nothing to give. I was overwhelmed, burnt out, and tired. It was so many different areas of my life that were not going well. It was way too much to contend with.

There were no roots. However, now, I have roots growing again. With the help of my support system, I am on the mend and digging deep, once again.

I have started my publishing company. I’ll write more about it later. Just suffice it to say that I am healed and moving on to greater things. Here’s to self-publishing my own and other’s books!