Posted in Learning to read, teaching

Begin At The Beginning

I am having so much success with my students. Two of those who only knew a couple of high frequency and sight words are now reading.

How did I do it you ask? I went back to the beginning. I started at the basics- sound spelling cards and phonics. I don’t know why I didn’t do this from the beginning. It’s working like a charm.

I am finally getting a routine going in the classroom. It feels so good to have a set schedule and not have so much uncertainty to the day.

Thank you Jesus for small favors.

Posted in teaching

A Pretty Bad Week But…

It was a pretty bad week last week and yesterday, but (and this is a big but) my emotions are so on the upswing. I’ve come so far in 3 weeks. Just think, just three short three weeks ago, I was planning day to day. Now I’m planning (w/homework) for the whole week.

But back to what I was originally talking about. As far as delivering the lesson went, it was pretty lousy. I couldn’t seem to get anything across. I don’t know if it was because I was out for those days or if it was because it was raining and the children were just unmotivated, but it just did not come off like I intended.

I appreciate it though. More and more, my blunders are teaching what to do as well as what not to do.

Yesterday, I was so ready to quit. Why? One of my Hispanic students called a black student the n* word yet again. I was too through because I wondered if he thought of me that way too.

I had to be @ school from 4:30- 10:00 @ B.N.U. I just did not want to be there. I only wanted to be at home at bed with the covers over my head. When I got home, I had a migraine so I went to bed right away. I went to sleep thinking how I just did not want to go back to work. How could I bare to go to another day in a job where I simply do not feel appreciated?

The bright spot was when I woke up this morning totally refreshed like nothing happened. The only way that I can account for the change is my prayers right before I went to sleep. Prayer works. Thank you Jesus.

Until next time people!

Posted in Great websites, teaching

Thinking Maps Training!

I attended an all day training for thinking maps and am so excited about the possibilities. There are so many things that could possibly be done with these maps. Children as young as Kindergarten age could use some of them.

They are a great writing resource. I found a link in Open Court Resources explaining how to use them. I think that it explains it far better than I ever could. For more information click here:

Posted in Food for thought

20th Reunion!

June 21, 1988. The day that I graduated from high school. I cannot believe this it has been almost 20 years. So you know what that means? That means that my 20th reunion is coming up. I’m still not sure if I’m going or not. I talk to all the people that I want.

My friend recently talked to someone who we went to high school with. Less than one minute into the conversation, he asked her what she did for a living. Less than 30 seconds after that he asked her what her husband did for a living.

Of course she basically told him that it was none of his business. She told him that that was a bit forward; that she wouldn’t ask him those questions.

He said that he was ready to answer them should she ask. To which she replied that she wouldn’t.
He even went so far as to e-mail her something so that she could see what he was currently doing. Of course it was a nice job. But (and of course this is a BIG but), this is not high school anymore. This is not a competition.

I am happy for him, but he needs to exercise a bit of decorum. Common sense should tell him that if it comes up in conversation that’s fine. If not, leave it unasked or unsaid. That was extremely tacky for him to ask her such personal questions after not having talked to her for at least 10 years.

Moral of the story: Stop bragging and being obnoxious. Oh, and have a bit of decorum when trying to prying! Okay that’s it. That’s my rant.
That, my dear sir or madam, is my rant for the day!

Posted in teaching

Formatting Lesson Plans

**I am sorry for not giving credit to the person who wrote this, but I just do not remember where I got it from.**
Formatting Lesson Plans: The Madeline Hunter Lesson Design Model

Many consider Madeline Hunter to be the mother of direct teaching methods. Her theories are embodied in this 8-step lesson plan format.

Madeline Hunter is one of the most prominent educational theorists, particularly with respect to direct teaching. Her 8-step lesson plan format embodies her method, which many believe has stood the test of time.The following is an outline of this plan. Following these steps may not only help educators develop effective lesson plans, but assist home school parents or tutors as well.

  1. Anticipatory Set (focus): This refers to a short activity that draws the students’ attention before the lesson begins. This can be a handout, an example problem, or a simple question.
  2. Purpose (objective): The purpose outlines the objective of that day’s lesson. Here the teacher emphasizes how students will benefit from the session and how they will go about learning from it.
  3. Input: Input refers to the vocabulary, skills and other concepts the teacher intends to incorporate in the session. It basically summarizes what students need to know in order to successfully master the lesson.
  4. Modeling (show): It’s no secret that most students are only able to master a new lesson if the teacher has taken the time to show how it’s done. Simply walk through a problem without student participation, allowing them to learn how its done.
  5. Guided Practice: Here, the teacher leads the students through the steps necessary to perform the skill emphasized using what is called the tripodal approach, or see/hear/do. Show the students how to successfully work through problems as they attempt to do it themselves.
  6. Check Understanding: Be sure your students understand the lesson. Ask students if they understand and answer their questions, then adjust the lesson pace accordingly.
  7. Independent Practice: Allow the students to practice completing lessons on their own, offering assistance when necessary. Be sure all students understand the lessons of the day, including any homework assignments.
  8. Closure: Wrap up the lesson. Ask the students to recap what you have taught them, telling or showing you what they have learned.
Posted in book reviews

Aunt Flossie’s Hats (And Crab Cakes Later) by Elizabeth Fitzgerald Howard

aunt-flossies.jpgAunt Flossie’s Hats (And Crab Cakes Later), (2001), written by Elizabeth Fitzgerald Howard and illustrated by James Ransome, is such a treat to read. This book is like a feel good movie that you hate to end. I loved this book. I am always looking for books that will let me have what I didn’t have. Let’s just say that I have issues with my grandmother, so I didn’t have the relationships like the two girls in the book had with their aunt. Don’t get me wrong, I had a favorite aunt, Linda, who was the cool aunt, but it wasn’t like it was in the book.

In the book, the two little girls, Sarah and Susan, have this Great-great aunt Flossie whose house they go to every Sunday to have tea and cookies. They talk to her, try on her hats, hear stories about her hats, and have a family dinner that includes crab cakes later.

Even though the picture is an illustration, I just love the house. The illustrator really did justice to this picture book. I can really imagine this whole story being real. It’s something that I’ve always wanted for myself.

To me, this was such a great, heartwarming story that I think anyone will enjoy. I highly recommend this book. If you want to continue with this story, you’re just going to have to read it yourself. Do yourself a favor. Go out and get it.

Posted in teaching

No Saturday school

Well, as it turns out, I will not be teaching Saturday school. I am a little disappointed because I was looking forward to the extra money but I’ll get over it while I’m lazing around the house on Saturdays.

So, until next time people.

Posted in Random thoughts, update

Helpless Me!

I have been feeling so helpless lately. I had to leave work two times last week. One time I was dizzy; the other I passed out.

I went to Urgent Care last week, but was still dizzy. The problem: The doctor prescribed Meclizine for me. When I went to pick it up, the pharmacist @ Kaiser West L.A. told me that it was an antacid, or maybe she said an anti-emetic. I tried to clarify the situation but I obviously didn’t get enough because I ended up thinking that the medicine was something that I had at home in my medicine cabinet.

Outcome: I didn’t get the medicine, since I thought it wasn’t necessary. Consequently I had to return to Urgent Care last night.

Reason: I fainted @ work and needed a note to return to work.

Since I didn’t want to go to work and pass out again, I thought it best to stay home and rest. I couldn’t get the medicine from Kaiser. I ended up getting it from Rite Aid. It took about 4 hours to kick in but it finally did. I am so happy that I am not dizzy anymore. That is such a helpless feeling that I wouldn’t wish on anyone.

Now I can return to work tomorrow without worrying about passing out in front of the children again. I am feeling so much better. I do not want to miss anymore days of work.

Enough about me. On to other things. Until next time people!

Posted in teaching

The Four Stages Of Teaching

From reading the book by Harry & Rosemary Wong, I know there are four stages of teaching:

  • Fantasy
  • Survival
  • Mastery
  • Impact

I passed Fantasy a long time ago when I was an assistant. I have been on survival mode for the last week. This stage does not work for me. I need to quickly move on to the next stage of so that I can move to Mastery. I am under no delusions, I know that this is going to take work. The problem: I didn’t know that it took quite so much work.

Homework? Please let’s not talk about homework.

Posted in teaching

Getting The Hang Of This!

Even though Friday all last week, except Tuesday, was horrible I think that I may just be getting the hang of this thing called teaching. Friday Almost all of last week, was so frustrating to me that I couldn’t think straight.

I don’t know why I always stress out and think that I am never going to have a good idea again ever. It is silly and it scares me, but that’s the way I function. After I go through my initial frustration, I go through a period where I just shut down. After that, I come back stronger than ever.

The reason I was so frustrated earlier in the week was because I was trying to do too much. I wasn’t teaching to the kids though. I was really just making useless lessons. I was trying to teach my class just like a general education class and that was a very big mistake?

My whole problem in a nutshell is that I was trying to do whole group instruction of 10 very different children. This has proved to be next to impossible since I have two that are non-verbal, four who can barely read, three who are almost on grade level and one who is at and/or above grade level.

I talked to a veteran teacher and she gave me some tips on how to run the classroom. Now I am actually getting it together and am getting the hang of this teaching thing. I am so happy about that. I am actually on my way for feeling like a real teacher.

Posted in Great websites, In the know!!, teaching

Getting It Together!

I am finally getting it together. I asked for help from one of my teachers @ B.N.U. She showed me how to use the Open Court program. I was very happy about that because there isn’t another training until the summer. Although by then I won’t need it, the training is mandatory so I’ll still have to go.

I had almost forgotten about Open Court Resources , by Mathew Needleman, until one of the teachers that I work with mentioned it. She said that she got most of her resources from there. How could I have forgotten Mathew? His site is so full of useful teaching resources. I visited there and found almost everything that I need to finish my lesson plans. I even got homework stuff there.

If you’re struggling with your planning, or even if you’re not, do yourself a favor and visit Open Court Resources.

Thanks Mathew for all your help and advice. I don’t know if you know how many teachers use your site. It is such a nice site with great resources. Keep up the good work.

Posted in Cute stuff

Scholastic Treasury of Storybook Classics

I just bought Scholastic’s Treasury of Storybook Classics. There are 16 DVDs with 100 stories of beloved classics.

storybook-classics.jpgThere are so many stories in there. I have most of the books in the collection, but I have been on a quest to buy all the books in there. I am using this as a teaching resource.

For the Unit Opener for the Imagination Unit, I have the perfect idea.  I am going to be introducing & reintroducing compare and contrast. I found this graphic organizer here and am using this as a complement to the DVD and the book of Harold & The Purple Crayon.

First I read the book to them, then let them watch the tape. We explored the difference between watching it and having it read to you or reading it yourself.

That’s just one of the uses for this. There are so many good stories in there; so many that I love. Phillise loves Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, David loves Where the Wild Things Are, and I love Harold & the Purple Crayon.

I purchased it at Costco for $65 after tax. That is less than a dollar per story. Some are even in Spanish.So do yourself and your child a favor and purchase this. You won’t regret it.

Until next time people!

Posted in sales and discounts

Upcoming Scholastic Book Fairs

Attention people: There is an upcoming warehouse book fair. I have only included the location closest to me, but Scholastic has stores all over the country.

(Directly from the Scholastic website) Finding a Warehouse Sale near you is easy! Locate dates and times of sales in your area and register for the event by selecting “Sign Up”. The brief registration process will establish your Scholastic user name and password. When you complete your registration, you will receive a Fast-Cart Pass along with a $10 off coupon, which will allow you to bypass the sign-in line at the event. You will also receive an email reminder one day before the sale begins.
Warehouse Sales are exclusively for Book Fair Chairpeople and Volunteers, Registered Homeschoolers, and School Personnel: Principals, Administrators, Faculty, Teachers, Librarians, and Media Specialists.

You can even sign up for bookfair workshops to find out how to make the best of your bookfairs to benefit your school and community.

Anaheim Warehouse
1210 N. Red Gum St.
Anaheim, CA 92806
(800) 543-4720
Wed., 1/30/2008 – Sat., 2/2/2008
Wednesday & Thursday: 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Friday & Saturday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Here’s the link:

Posted in book reviews

Black & White by David Macaulay

Black & White (1990), written and illustrated by David Macaulay, is a 1990 Caldecott Medal Winner. My Children’s Literature teacher, Katherine, just did not understand how this book won the Medal. She hated it. I, on the other hand, loved it. I think it’s because I love doing a lot of stuff at once. That’s when I feel the most productive.

black-and-white.gif Katherine didn’t tell us what the book was about when she first gave it to us. She didn’t want to prejudice us with her thoughts on the book, so she didn’t tell us what her thoughts were until we turned in our review.

Even though Katherine didn’t like the book, she respected my review and my thoughts on it.
I liked the book but I gotta’ tell you that the cover doesn’t allude to what is on the inside. I, like many other people, judge the book by the cover. But, don’t do that with this one because if you do, you will miss out.

This is what’s going on in this book: There are four stories happening at once with a split page theme going on.

I gave it to David, and he was confused.

“Oh, I am so sorry baby,” I told him.

I neglected to tell him that he should read them separately.

“Go back and read again. Separately this time,” I instructed him.
Even though he didn’t want to, he went back and read the book. He came back to me and told me that he liked it, but that it was too confusing to read it all at once.

You, my dear reader, are one up on things, because you know what’s going on. Whereas I didn’t.

Now that you know what’s going on, read it with pleasure. You can either read the stories one at a time or read them all at once.

So, if this sounds like something you would like, go out and get yourself a copy.Until next time people!

Posted in life

What I’ve Learned About Life!

In my 37 years on this earth, I’ve learned that:

  • Being under a strong leader is one of the most important things.
  • Everybody needs a shoulder to cry on.
  • Everybody needs support at one time or another.
  • A good support system is everything.
  • Find something that you like, that helps you make it through the day, and do it every chance you get.
  • Allow yourself some down time.
  • Walk away.
  • There’s always going to be more to do tomorrow.
  • You can’t do everything.
  • You can’t be everything to everybody.
  • You can’t save everyone.
  • Sacrificing one student for the sake of 10 others who want to learn is hard, but sometimes necessary.
  • Sometimes no matter how good you are to some people, they will still steal from you.
  • Sometimes no matter how good you are to some people, they will still talk about you.

* I will add to this list as I learn more*

Posted in teaching

Not Such A Good Idea

Well, going back to work today turned out not to be such a good idea. I thought that I was okay, but realized that I wasn’t as I was being wheeled into the nurse’s office after I had a particularly nasty dizzy spell and passed out right before I started up the stairs to my classroom. Thank God I didn’t pass out while going up or down the stairs.

I could not believe that I went down like a sack of potatoes like that. I guess I should have stayed home after all. I need to go back to Urgent Care and demand competent treatment so that I can return to work without passing out. I will rest and recuperate over the weekend. Thank goodness we have Monday off for Martin Luther King, jr.’s birthday.

So until next time people.

Posted in teaching

Back To School!

I am back at school but I think that I should have stayed at home. Since my classroom is on the second floor, my biggest challenge that I will face today is climbing the stairs. Usually I go up and down the stairs at least 10 times a day. While this is good for losing weight, it is not good for my dizziness.

At the suggestion of Malcore, I told me kids to cut me some slack today since I am not feeling well and am a little grouchy and they have. So, even though I should have stayed at home, I’m doing okay. My kids are doing just fine.

So until next time people!

Posted in teaching


Even though I vacillate greatly between wanting to quit one day to being totally committed the next, I love my job and the children that I work with even though it may not seem like it from the way that I write about it. However, that couldn’t be farther from the truth.

My way of thinking is changing on so many levels. My attitude about work is a key point. When I was an assistant I was a little cavalier about missing work. It did not bother me that much to miss work because I wasn’t as pivotal as I am now. However, I know that in order to ensure my success as a teacher I need to keep my absences to a bare minimum.

I know that this might sound crazy, but I started giving pep talks to myself about my responsibilities that I was going to have; the hectic schedule change and all of the things that come with being a new teacher and trying to balance all that with school and raising a family.

My thinking has changed so much that I didn’t even have the desire to be absent. I have not had any absences or been late in the whole two months that I’ve been a teacher. (I was late one time by two minutes).

I am a little disappointed that I had to miss work. It actually turned out to be a good thing though because I found out that I have this condition called Labyrinthine lesions in my ear. In fact I’ve had this for about 9 years, probably even longer.

The doctor that I saw last night in urgent care did not give me any information about it, so I googled it myself to find out what I wanted to know. One of the symptoms is clumsiness. Anyone who knows me know that I am extremely clumsy. I have sprained my ankle just walking in pumps.

This condition is not so bothersome. Well, it hasn’t been up til now. It comes and it goes. Usually it would only last for about 1 week (Tops!), then it would just go away. Well, something must have changed because I have been suffering from this for about a month now. It didn’t bother me enough to make me go to the doctor until yesterday when I got so dizzy that I had to leave work after about about 45 minutes.

I really didn’t want to miss work because I never know how the children in my class are going to react to anything. When the doctor told me that I needed to stay off work for another day, I was a little upset.

I really did not want to be absent. Now, because of this sickness, I’ve missed two days in a row. I’m going back to work tomorrow even though I am dizzy. I am going to be dizzy no matter where I am, so I may as well be at school helping the children in my class.

So until next time people!

Posted in teaching

Excited About School Again!

I’m not sure if I shared this or not last semester, but I was just so unmotivated about school. I had so many other things going on that school was just not as important to me as it used to be. I got a “B” and 2 “I’s”.

I have never been this way. I was so excited about getting into B.N.U. that I didn’t stop to think about all of the work that it would be for me.

What was I thinking about? Who thought it was a good idea to combine the first year of teaching with the first year of a credential/Master’s program? What you get when you do that is a bunch of tired, sleep deprived, underprepared, but eager to do their job interns. What you have is someone like me who is doing what it takes to get the job done. Someone who will try their darndest to reach as many children as possible.

Anyway, I’m straying, so let me get back to the lecture at hand. I am extremely excited about school again. Most of the pressures that were plaguing me then are not now. Now, I have classes that I care about. I have a literacy class- to teach better reading strategies, and a methods class that teaches planning. Both of these classes are exactly what I need. I was so happy when I got the syllabus. I am actually looking forward to doing the reading and writing the papers like I used to.

Even though I can’t wait to finish school, I thank God for this program. I am excited about school again.

Until next time people!

Posted in teaching

A Gift Horse…

I just returned from an AmeriCorps meeting. (I know that you’re not supposed to look a gift horse in the mouth.) That being said, I’ll peek into its mouth just a little.

The AmeriCorps program that I’m with, T.E.A.M.S., brings many guest speakers to us to give us excellent presentations with a lot of good information but, as I’ve said before, it can be a tad bit boring. I’ll be okay though, there are only two more meetings. Thank goodness for that.

Now, as for teaching Saturday school, that’s a different story. That’s another gift horse whose mouth I will not be looking in. I don’t want to get up on Saturday morning. I would prefer to sleep in and laze around the house, but teaching Saturday school is something that I have chosen to do because I will be getting a couple of extra bucks for that which makes me quite happy as it helps me on my quest for freedom from my debt.

But you know what, it’s time for me to make my weekly lesson plans. Since time waits for no one, I love you (for reading this) but I got to go.

So until next time people!

Posted in teaching

Limited Punishability!!!

What does this mean? This is in reference to my post from yesterday. I feel so powerless in regard to my students. I have no support from the administration and/or the parents.

I have a system in my classroom. If step 1 doesn’t work then I move on to step 2. If step 2 doesn’t work, then I move on to step 3 and so on. However, in my work place, there is no such school-wide system. Sure the rules are posted but they aren’t adhered to.

Whenever I send one of my students out, for whatever reason, they are right back in 20 minutes doing the same thing.

Things were getting better, but (and that’s a big but) life has happened. We had a three week break, so they were at home for three weeks probably doing nothing like everyone else. That is the worst thing that could have happened to them. They need structure. They have to have a tight schedule with barely any room to move. I cannot let them be idle for more than 2 minutes. (Idle hands are the devil’s workshop).

Another thing that happened is that one of my other students, Toolie, relocated and moved to another school. He used to be “the life of the party”. All of the attention used to be focused on him. Now that he’s gone my other student thinks that he’s going to once again take center stage like he used to before I got the class under control.
Whenever I start to feel like things are going okay, Wham! right in the kisser! I get a sucker punch!

I feel like I have no recourse. I can’t spank them. I can’t put them on punishment. I can’t send them to the Principal or counselor for any real discipline. What am I supposed to do?I need help.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Posted in teaching

Yet.. Another.. One.. Of… Those Days!

Today was yet another one of those days. It was horrible. Let me start at the beginning: One of my hispanic students thought that it was okay to call another one of my students, who’s black, a ni**a’.

“What did you say?” I asked.

“Nuthin’. I didn’t say nuthin’, ” he said.

I heard what you said. You are outta’ here. You need to go.

I sent him straight to the Top Dog, who sent him to the school counselor who I heard may as well have given him a lollipop and let him play on the slide.

Result: He was back in my class in twenty minutes.

Did he behave after that? Of course not. I had to send him out yet again.

I had to ask myself, one more time, “What the hell am I doing here?”

Am I doing the right thing? Am I really supposed to be here doing this?

I wish that these and so many more will be answered…whenever. I just don’t know if I can hand on that long. I can and will make it through.

So until next time people! I will be holding on!!!

Posted in teaching

Patience Is A Virtue? Isn’t It?

I have had a restful, almost stress-free Christmas vacation. Now that I’ve snapped back to reality it’s a little weird. I mentioned that, over the break, I was at an all day faculty meetings. I was pleasantly surprised. I did not want to go, but I am glad that I did. I had a chance to plan with the other third grade teachers. This took a significant amount of stress off of me.

Now that planning isn’t hanging over my head, I can move on to mastery of the content. We (me and the other teachers) were even able to plan a science project together.

Coordinating my lessons with them will serve two purposes. First, as I mentioned earlier, it takes a lot of stress off of me. Secondly, it will help my students feel like they’re just like everyone else; not different like everyone tells them they are. This will hopefully make them feel that they’re connected to the large community.

I am eventually going to get to the point. Well, I was thanking the other teachers for helping me plan when I started talking about how I felt in the beginning. They started telling me how they felt during their first year. One teacher said that she couldn’t believe that she was getting paid to experiment on these kids. I thought that was so funny because I feel the exact same way. I feel like a great scientist because I am starting an experiment that will surely last for years until I finally feel confident enough.

Will that day ever come?

Okay, I’m being silly. Of course I know that day will come. I’m just being impatient. After all, I’ve only been a teacher since November 6. I guess I’m just going to have to be patient. After all. Isn’t it a virtue?

Until next time people!

Posted in teaching

It Was Another One Of Those Days!

Yesterday was so hard for me. I don’t know what went wrong. I just know that it did. All the fire was out of me by the time the children came back from recess. Today was a little bit better because I just refused to let it be like yesterday. Everyone that I talked to about yesterday said that it just like that sometimes.

Well, until next time people!

Posted in teaching

OCR Unit Opener (Imagination)

Tuesday was my very first Unit Opener ever. We decided to do it on Tuesday because of the break. We just didn’t think that it would be a good idea to have the students try to focus too much on the first day back at school after a three week break.

I mentioned earlier last week (here) that everyone else were such pros at coming up with great ideas and I felt that I had lost my thing; my “itness”. I felt so incompetent. I was having trouble coming up with something for the Unit Opener, but thank God that I found someone else’s Unit Opener on Imagination (here). For her U.O. she did Harold & the Purple Crayon.

“Perfect,” I thought.

I love Harold & the Purple Crayon. My creative juices were beginning to flow. The only problem was narrowing down my choice. Once I made my choice, coming up with activities to supplement it wasn’t hard at all.

harold-and-the-purple-crayon.gifIf I could toot my own horn for a minute (toot, toot), I have to say that it was a resounding success. Of the four other third grade classes, two of them are unruly. I did not have a problem with them. I worked with them just like I work with my own class. I stopped them at the door, told them my rules and my expectations. Once they were aware that I meant business, I did not have problems with them.

I borrowed the video from the public library (since I only have a VCR in my room) and let the students watch it. Before they watched it, I frontloaded them with a little background info on Harold. Then we talked about how Harold used his imagination. I then told them to use their imagination while watching it to come up with a superhero character of their own. One that no one else had thought of.

I told them that I watch a lot of cartoons (I do) and that as a result they couldn’t trick me. Of course they decided to test me by naming “real” superheroes. (I passed) Once they realized that they couldn’t trick me they came up with ones of their own. I used a spider graphic organizer that you can find here.

Since I had extra spider graphic organizers, I asked who wanted extra ones to do at home. Almost everyone who I offered one took it. I felt so good.

I was so thankful for finding this blogger when I did. I have to give most of the credit to her. Even though I don’t know her, she helped save my hide. She is the one I got the idea from. Thank you very much mysterious blogger.

Well, this got kinda’ long, so I’ll cut it off here. Until next time people!

Posted in In the know!!, sales and discounts

A Huge Warehouse Sale !

F.Y.I.- I received a flyer in my box @ work regarding a sale on Martin Luther King, jr. Day at Teacher Created Resources. Just in case you’re interested, here is the information:

What: Huge Warehouse Sale

When: Monday, January 21, 2008

Where: 6421 Industry Way

Westminster, CA 92683

Time: 8 a.m.-2 p.m.
Phone number: (714) 891-7895

(888) 343-4335


Posted in teaching

Freedom writers (Erin Gruwell)

I just finished watching Freedom Writers and I swear it feels like I was watching my life. Okay, there are obvious differences. I am not white. I do not work in Long Beach. I don’t work with high school, etc. I do, however, work with kids who live in less than ideal situations.

I felt the exact same way that she felt on my first day of school; so out of place. I felt like I was going to be eaten alive. On my first day, so many people looked at me like they didn’t think that I would make it through the day. Truth be known, by recess, I had questions about it myself.

Another thing that reminded me of Erin Gruwelll was when the caricatured picture of the black guy was passed around and everyone was laughing. That is one thing that really upsets me more than anything else- the racial disharmony. At least two of my students (3rd-5th grade) throw around racial epithets when they get upset at someone who doesn’t look like them.

To try to help bring my students together and to try to quell the racial tension, I brought in some books from my personal collection to read to them to try to help them see the other person’s side and not be so judgmental of each.

One is called “Oh no gotta go” by Susan Middleton Elya. It is a bilingual book about a little girl who has to go to the bathroom. The only problem is that it is Sunday and almost everything is closed. When it was time to read the spanish words, I let the spanish-speaking children help me sound the words out. I then let them tell me some stories about other spanish words in the book.

(I will review this book later this next week.)

ilovemyhair.jpg The other book that I read to them was “I Love My Hair” by Natasha Anastasia Tarpley. (Earlier in the summer I reviewed this book. If you would like to check it out, click here.) In the story the little girl has braids. The book illustrates the process that her mother goes through while doing her hair.While I was reading the book I stopped periodically and told all the students about how I go through the same process when I braid Phillise’s hair.

Although tensions didn’t immediately ease up, they did get better. Now I am at work building up a community out of my little classroom.

Here’s to being cautiously optimistic about the future for me and my classrooom. Until next time people!

Posted in Anecdotes, life, teaching

Goodbye To Toolie!

Life is so funny. A couple of months ago I would have given anything to have this kid, Toolie, out of my class. He was loud and very disruptive. He called me names, etc.

I thought that once he was out of my class that it would be so much better off. Oh, how I wished and prayed for that day.

Well, you know how the saying goes, “Be careful what you wish for. You just may get it”. Well, I got my wish. He’s gone. It’s not because of anything that I’ve done. It’s because his parents relocated.

Actually (truth be told), if I could have him back in the class, I would. Say what? Am I crazy? Aren’t I the one who was complaining? Why would I say that?

I say that because I had stopped wishing for him to be gone a couple of weeks before break. I stopped wishing for him to be gone because I finally put it in my mind that I was going to love him no matter what because he wasn’t a bad kid. I just needed to understand him and his needs more. I was starting to. He was also starting to get it. He would sit in his seat at least 98% of the day, and do the work. Keep in mind that when I came he wouldn’t even sit in his seat for 10 minutes. Believe when I say this. I am not exaggerating.

Even through all of that, he was getting it. He wasn’t the perfect child. But hey, no one is.

I really feel bad for him because change is hard for him. It is going to be a really tough adjustment for him. I am going to keep in touch with him though.

I know how he’s going to cope with it and it isn’t pretty. He is going to react the same way that he did when I first came.

So, it is with sadness and heaviness of heart that I bid adieu to Toolie. I will never forget him.

Posted in teaching

Now…Back To Reality! Part 2

Today will be business as usual. I have been off work since December 14th. I guess it’s time to go back. Even though I technically went back to work on Wednesday, tomorrow is the first official day back…with the children.

I can’t believe how good I felt over the break. I felt like I felt before I was feeling so inadequate. Now that I’m going back, I feel a little anxious. I didn’t plan as much as I wanted to, that’s why. I am a little mad at myself. It’s just that it felt so good to relax and not have so much responsibility. Now I will pay for it by staying up half the night making lesson plans.

Oh well. That’s what I get! Until next time people.

Posted in teaching

Learning To Love The Rollercoaster!

I was feeling kinda’ down a little while ago because I was starting to get anxious about returning to work. Thoughts started coming up in my head:

  • What made me think that I could do this?
  • Am I ever going to learn all of these programs that I need to do my job competently?
  • Will I ever stop feeling like an incompetent idiot?
  • When will I stop feeling like I’m experimenting?
  • Can you believe you’re getting paid for this? (Question to myself)

rollercoaster.jpgAnyway, I’m feeling better because I was planning my lessons for the week and I started coming up with so many ideas. I don’t feel quite so bad anymore. I know that I still have it. It being my creativity that has gotten me this far.

So, I’m sure that this rollercoaster will continue for… I don’t know how long. But ya’ know what? I will learn how to ride this rollercoaster. Not only that, I will learn all the curves that are coming up, all the dips and surprises. Because you know what, if you’re lucky, the more you ride the rollercoaster and become familiar with it, the less anxiety, fear and surprise you’ll experience for each go-round.

I may not like this rollercoaster, but I’m going to ride it out!

Until next time people!

Posted in Great websites, Random thoughts

What’s In A Name?

I found this site that tells you the meaning of your name. Here’s the meaning of my name. If you would like to check it out, here is the website:

***What Leila Means***

You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow.
You are light hearted and accepting. You don’t get worked up easily.
Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is.

You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone.
You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together.
At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.

You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It’s easy to get you excited… which can be a good or bad thing.
You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don’t stick with any one thing for very long.
You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.

You are usually the best at everything … you strive for perfection.
You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.
You have the classic “Type A” personality.

What’s Your Name’s Hidden Meaning?

    Posted in Food for thought, life, Random thoughts

    Looking Back On 2007

    I have to say I am not sad to see 2007 leave. It was a year or great ups and down. I achieved one of my long term goals of graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Human Development from Azusa Pacific University. My oldest son graduated from high school and started college. My little girl started kindergarten. I started grad school. I started my first year of teaching.
    On the downside, my credit rating is not so good. I don’t even think that I could get a car loan right now. But you know what? Things will be okay. They always are. It’s all about knowing and believing that God has our back. Our plans are totally different than God’s plans.

    I heard this saying somewhere, but don’t know where. It goes that if you want to make God laugh, tell him  your plans.

    I do believe that I made God laugh a few times. Until next time people!

    Posted in teaching

    Not So Alone Anymore

    Boy am I glad that I had these all day faculty meetings. If not, I would not have been able to participate with the other teachers on site. We planned the Unit Opener for Imagination. Everyone seemed to have so many tricks in their bags. They were like Felix the Cat. Whenever something came up they went to their rooms and came back with something. Me? This is my first Unit Opener. Ever!

    I offered the little input that I could. It wasn’t much though. I’m okay with that because I am still learning. This job is all about on the job training.

    I have to say that having this time to plan was a godsend. Just think, I didn’t even want to go. I don’t feel so alone now. I feel like I have some support. One of the teachers (she’s so nice) gave me her e-mail address and told me to e-mail her with my concerns. Another things is that she’s good at Math. I, on the other hand, am not. Math is one of my weakest subjects. She offered to give me a bunch of manipulatives that I could use with my students.

    Here’s to continued collaboration!

    Posted in teaching

    Faculty Meeting

    I am fresh back from an all day meeting. This is weird for me because I am not used to going back early. I was kinda bummed about going back a couple of days early.This is my first time. When I was an assistant I just showed up. I didn’t have to do any advanced planning, copying or meetings of any kind. 

    I had a blast. I had a chance to plan the Unit Opener with four other teachers. We were also treated to a very nice presentation by another teacher. It was very thorough. I can’t think of anything that I would have added to that. It was very enlightening.
    I am so happy that I went. Who knew that an all day faculty meeting could be so productive.

    Until next time people!

    Posted in life

    Happy New Year!

    Hey all! Whew! I made it through the year. With my sanity intact. Even though I went through great turmoil this year, I have emerged victorious. I am stronger and wiser for it. That is something that I did not think would happen. Here’s to a new year, new trials, new victories, new ?????

    It’s 2008. A new year. It is open to so many possibilities and opportunities. Let’s make the best of it.

    Happy beginnings!