Posted in teaching

Getting The Hang Of This!

Even though Friday all last week, except Tuesday, was horrible I think that I may just be getting the hang of this thing called teaching. Friday Almost all of last week, was so frustrating to me that I couldn’t think straight.

I don’t know why I always stress out and think that I am never going to have a good idea again ever. It is silly and it scares me, but that’s the way I function. After I go through my initial frustration, I go through a period where I just shut down. After that, I come back stronger than ever.

The reason I was so frustrated earlier in the week was because I was trying to do too much. I wasn’t teaching to the kids though. I was really just making useless lessons. I was trying to teach my class just like a general education class and that was a very big mistake?

My whole problem in a nutshell is that I was trying to do whole group instruction of 10 very different children. This has proved to be next to impossible since I have two that are non-verbal, four who can barely read, three who are almost on grade level and one who is at and/or above grade level.

I talked to a veteran teacher and she gave me some tips on how to run the classroom. Now I am actually getting it together and am getting the hang of this teaching thing. I am so happy about that. I am actually on my way for feeling like a real teacher.