Posted in teaching

My Way of Teaching Multiplication!

Dear Readers,

I’ve come up with a unique way of teaching multiplication. Maybe others have used this or a similar method, but I can only speak for myself. I just got up one day and decided to teach it like this. Like to see, here it goes:

So, I take twelve 100 charts; I use one hundreds chart per number. I then go through the Zero times tables. I made a seemingly crazy claim (think Forget Paris, with Debra Winger & Billy Crystal)! I say, “By the time we finish this first lesson, you will know what 0 x 1,000,000 is! “Do you believe me?” I say. Usually they say NO! I then proceed to prove them wrong. So, I tell them how 0 times anything is 0! We go through a couple of examples and they get it. We go through the same thing with the 1s. Now, they have this win and are building up their confidence.

Then I start with the 2s times table. I have them count two, then color; count two, then color, all the way to 100. Once they’re finished with that, I begin teaching them how to multiply. I ask them to count over count, then ask how many times they’ve counted to 2. Answer= I’ve counted to 2 one time. So, that makes 2 x(time/one time) 1= 2. I tell them, then show them. I do a couple more with them and they get it. If we don’t finish during our lesson, this is now their homework. And I repeat up until the 12s or wherever we decide to finish.

To teach up to the 12s, this usually takes up to 6 weeks. In between the learning, I have them complete multiplication drills. The lessons can take anywhere between 30-1.5 hours; it all depends on the child.

This method has never failed for me. I hope this helps. Let me know if this works for you!

Bye for now!

Posted in teaching

Hi, My Name is Carole Leila Cramer!

Hi Everyone. Nice to meet you. I have an announcement. As of October 4, 2023, my maiden name has officially been returned to me! I am going to the DMV or AAA tomorrow to change my name EXPEDITIOUSLY (In my T.I. voice!). When I tell you that I’m ecstatic, over-the-moon happy, I really mean it.

Here’s the backstory: The person who filed my paperwork is a friend of my ex-husband. I thought nothing of her being a friend of my ex-husband’s since she works in the legal field. I trusted that she would do what she said she would do. I just wanted to be divorced already.

Well, as it turned out, my trust was misplaced. She did not file any of my divorce paperwork, so that my ex-husband would be awarded a default judgment. Of course I didn’t find any of this out until about a year after, when the divorce was finalized when I received my paperwork and kept trying to get my maiden name returned back to me. I found out when I called the County Clerk’s office that none of my paperwork had been submitted. I then reflected back on my conversation (via e-mail) that I had with said friend when she asked that I not mail my paperwork to the court, but to her.

At first I was livid, but I had only myself to blame. It’s ok though. Life has a way of taking care of people like that. But, none of that matters now. All that matters is that I finally have my name back.

So, hello. Nice to meet you. I can now really, officially, legally once again, use my name- Carole Leila Cramer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted in teaching

Learning Formula, Part 2!

Dear Readers,

I just looked back on the original post and did the math. It’s been a decade since I started putting this formula and its amazing effects into place. Believe me when I say that this formula has helped many people; old and young alike!

I looked up this post because I was talking to one of my co-workers about my theorized learning formula because I was looking over one of his papers. We talked about how his aversion to writing, even though he’s a really good writer. That’s when we dove into my learning formula. Here it is: Learning the information + Making a connection with the information (internalizing the information)+ Application of the information= Synthesis of information.

He then determined that he broke down on the application of the information. We talked a little more about his other blocks and came to some conclusions that left it open for more questions. He decided to re-think his reason for disliking writing.

This formula helped him start thinking about what he needs to do to remove his blocks. So, please use this formula if you have someone who is breaking down in the learning process.

I again ask the same question I asked a decade ago (almost to the day): Have you found this learning formula to be true! Let me know!

Posted in teaching

Happy October!

Hello Dear Readers,

I’m two days late, but I’m saying it anyway- Welcome to October! Can’t believe we’re less than three months away for the beginning of ’24!

I’m not looking forward to the time change, but I love the fall and winter. Winter means longer nights, fuzzy socks, fluffy blankets, and cute coats & jackets!

I think I’ll start posting pics of me in my cute winter clothes!

Bye for now Dear Readers! I promise I’ll write more!