Posted in teaching

I Didn’t Know She Was Aware!!!

Dear Readers,

I felt my heart break a little today as I was testing one of the 2nd grade students at my school. I was in the class observing her. As I sat there I noticed that she was playing with her hair. I then noticed that she put the bangs in front of her face before she had to answer questions. I don’t think the teacher knew what she was doing, but I did. Since the teacher was testing the rest of the students, I took her to my classroom to test her reading fluency level. She read 76 wpm, btw. She can decode, but doesn’t really understand what she’s reading.

So, after I tested her, I talked to her and asked her what she had trouble with. She told me division was hard for her. I can understand that. She has trouble completing tasks with more than three steps. The teacher is going to have to break everything down for her until she gets it.

I then asked her her age. She told me that she was 8. I complimented her on being a big 3rd grader. Now, this is the part that broke my heart. She said, “No, I’m not in 3rd grade. I’m supposed to be in 3rd grade, but I’m in 2nd grade”. Then she hung her head.

I was not aware that she understood that she was behind. She also told me about covering her face with her bangs, and the butterflies in her stomach. I wanted to cry. She was trying to hide. She’s been doing it for a while.

The time had come so I had to take her back to class, but before I did, I showed her Patricia Polacco’s Thank You Mr. Falker. I told her that she was not alone; that other people had problems with school work too.

She said, “They do?”

“Yes,” I told her. “You are not alone.”

She smiled as we left the classroom. My heart healed a little bit after that! I will keep you updated on her. Bye for now!

Posted in teaching

Getting it Together Little by Little, Part 2!

Dear Readers,

I am slowly, but surely getting it together. I do admit that I’ve been neglecting this blog. But, I have a reason. I’ve been working on my classroom blog. I have computer lab on Mondays & Thursdays and have developed a system for putting my work for the computer lab on the blog. It should make things really easy, but it does not because some of my students are really dependent. I put everything they need on the blog, they only have to click, yet they still ask me what to do. I digress though. I’m happy that I’ve gotten it together enough to consistently put my work up. I use it to reinforce  the work we’re working on throughout the week. On Fridays, our review day, students are allowed to continue working on the computer in the computer center. I will continue to strive to do more. Thanks for reading. Bye for now!

Posted in teaching


Dear Readers,

I’ve never heard a nicer word- tomorrow. That’s the day it’ll all be over. It’s the last day of the WASC visit. I am so happy because I’ve been really stressed since they’ve been here. It really took me totally by surprise. I’m usually not the one to stress over things like this because I usually have it all together. But, not this time. I’ve been struggling all this year. I can only hope that all that I do for my students is effective.

Posted in teaching

A Nice Hot Bath!

There’s not too much a nice hot bath can’t cure. I really needed it. I was so stressed today. My students are so unruly. The boys are rambunctious & the girls are catty & petty. I can deal with the boys. They’re just a little playful. If itt were up to me, I would have no girls in my class, only boys. Boys are wwaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy easier to deal with than girls.

Today I reached my breaking point with them. I asked for a drama-free day since my site is going through WASC accreditation this week. Do you think they listened? Take a wild guess! Of course they didn’t. It was business as usual; it was like I’d said nothing at all. They even pulled out big. ALLIGATOR tears. Oh boy, little girls and waterworks!!!!!

I am really ready for Spring Break! Bye for now!!!

Posted in teaching

Validating Me in the Wong Way, Part 2!

Dear Readers,

This post is  a continuation of my previous post, Validating Me in the Wrong Way. I am really overwhelmed. My students are very needy & not too well behaved. I’ve been hearing it from a couple of teachers on campus. In the beginning I thought it was just me, that I wasn’t feeling this school year and all the trouble and drama I’ve been through this year. The Art teacher even brought it up in our staff meeting today. But you know what’s so funny? I don’t think I would have realized just how stressful it all was if no one had told me. Isn’t that funny? Now that I know that I wasn’t imagining the whole thing, I feel much better and can get on with the business of fixing it. Now, all I need is a plan to do that! I’ll let you know how it goes. Bye for now!

Posted in life, teaching

Twenty Extra Minutes…

Dear Readers,

Let me just give you a little background information. I work in a big building with a lot of empty classrooms. I am alone in my wing of the building. It’s kinda’ scary once the school is empty. That’s why when time “falls back” in the Fall, I usually high tail it out of there around 4:30. Any later than that and it feels like you have someone following you in the hallway. Let me say it again, that it’s a little scary in that building after 4:00. Well, today I was so psyched. I stayed after work today and was not afraid. Why? Well, it was still light. I stayed ’til a little after 5 and was okay with it. I was going to leave around 4:30 like I usually do, but decided to stay that twenty extra minutes to finish up some things I just couldn’t get done because there isn’t enough hours in the day. The only thing I didn’t do was make my To Do list. My desk is still a mess, but I was able to complete a few key tasks. I think I’ll stay a little later tomorrow. That’s all to report. Bye for now!

Posted in teaching

I Need Help!

I’m so frustrated! This year i’ve really been working hard on my student’s writing skills. Almost all of my students have made progress, except for my student I call Cute Cheeks. He cannot write a 5-paragraph essay to save himself. I’m currently reading Mastering the 5 Paragraph Essay by Susan Van Zile. I really need to finish reading it and now. If he doesn’t learn it now, I’m not sure he can learn it in Middle School. I never get any comments and/or, but I need some now. Any tips for teaching writing to upper elementary school students would be really appreciated. Someone, help!

Posted in teaching

Book Club Do-Over

Dear Readers,

I’d like a do-over on Book Club I recently instituted.  It didn’t work out as well as I’d hoped. I’m not going to give up though. It was only my first time. I’m going to have to monitor student reading during the week more closely than I did this week. I’m really counting on this since it let’s me add books that my students really need to read. I’ll let you know how it goes. Bye for now!

Posted in teaching

My Biggest Problem!

One of my biggest problems is PROCRASTINATION!!! I cannot stand that about myself, so I’ve been taking steps to correct that. One thing I’m doing is listening to Brian Tracy’s “Eat the Frog”. My husband has an audiobook of it that we play through his radio. So far I am loving. In fact, I’m loving it so much I am not going to put off listening to it. I’m going to complete it. Once I finish, I’ll write about it. Bye for now!

Posted in resources, teaching

Great Ideas from the Training!

Dear Readers,

I am stoked! I got such great ideas from the Inclusion conference I attended on Saturday. Of all the ideas I took away from the training there are two that stand out in my mind. They are:

  1. Homework handouts
  2. Book Club

You see, homework has been such a big problem with me. At first I wasn’t giving enough because I wasn’t prepared. However, once I really learned how to plan, I gave too much. Now, I’m at the place where the amount of homework is just right. But (You knew there had to be a but!), the problem is at least two students who always come back (at least twice) to make sure, even though they have the homework down, they have everything written down correctly. While I do applaud their conscientiousness, it is a tad bit annoying. So, my take-away from the conference, was a fantastic idea from one of the people from The Frostig Center in Pasadena- homework handout.

It was recommended, for conscientious students like mine and students who have trouble copying from the board for whatever reason, to print out the homework and hand it to the students. LIGHT BULB!!! Why didn’t I do this before? Well, I thought it was going to add more to my plate. However, what I have discovered is that it will actually save time and questions from “conscientious students”.

My other take-away from the conference was Book Club. In the beginning of the year I tried to introduce other grade-level appropriate books during my Reading block. That did not work out like I planned because I ended up having to drop the Reading program, in favor of the Spelling program. So, there went my literature circle. I really wanted it back, but didn’t know where I would find the time. Well, after the conference I realized I could do it on Center/Review Fridays. It would serve so many purposes. It would be academically appropriate, it would satisfy the Principal’s desire for “extra” literature, it would help them work on their writing skills, they would be reading more, it would keep them accountable, etc. I could go on, but I don’t need to. I’m sure  you can see the possibilities.

As it is past 9 0’clock, that means it’s past my bedtime. I am so NOT a night person. So, I will continue this tomorrow. Bye for now!

Posted in teaching

Uhhh!, I Can Do That!

Dear Readers,

I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned before that I’m starting an intervention program at my school. Well, I was making things so complicated and waaaaaaay too hard. I went to a conference yesterday on Inclusion in Catholic Schools @ LMU.

During the last session I attended on getting the inclusion process started, I realized that it was basically a Resource Program. Although is was a very well structured Resource program, it was a Resource program, nonetheless. Since I worked in Resource before, this is totally up my alley. I was making things way to complicated. Now, don’t get my wrong, I’m not saying it’s going to be super simple. I’m just saying that it will not be anywhere near as hard as I thought it was going to be.

So, as soon as I am able, I will move forward with my dream of making this dream a reality. So, until next time. Bye for now!