Posted in Anecdotes, Food for thought, life, Miscellaneous, Random thoughts

The Time Has Come, The Time Is Now. Marvin K. Mooney, Will You Please Go Now?

The time has come, the time is now. Marvin K. Mooney, will you please go now?


The time has come- for me to teach Phillise how to read, that is. I have been putting off teaching her how to read long enough. I started on it, but was not consistent with it. Today, I decided was the day to get serious. So I went back to and am in the middle of making lesson plans for us for the rest of the week. I’m going to do it one week at a time. I guess I’m homeschooling her for the summer. Boy, I really admire homeschoolers now that I see how hard it is. Especially with your own child!

I have taught many children how to read. Most notably Dakota, who was reading on a 5th grade level when he was in kindergarten. Somehow I fell of the wagon, like I tend to do. I didn’t teach David how to read. By the time he was ready to learn, I had had Phillise. He started pre-K when she was 3 weeks old. It was all I could do just to get him to school at 11:00 and return to pick him up @ 2:20. What a joke those 3 hours were!

That’s my only excuse. That I was swamped with a brand new baby, a little boy starting pre-k, and Sam & Dakota in middle school with a bus stop time of 6:15 a.m. while trying to keep the house clean, cook and be a good wife.

Okay, now that the excuse making is out of the way. I feel ashamed of myself. Here I am, a future teacher and I have barely spent time this summer teaching my own baby how to read. Well, I am indeed Marvin K. Mooney. He did not move until it was time. Guess what, it is time.

The time had come, so Marvin went…

Posted in Food for thought, life, Miscellaneous, Random thoughts

Ties That Bind & Bind and Bind…!

After early last Sunday morning, I feel like I can do anything. I’m talking about coaching my little sister through the birth of her baby. A couple of months ago we talked and she agreed that she didn’t want to have an epidural because of my bad experience with it. Even though we had that agreement, my little sister is as big a sissy as I am, so I knew that she would try to cave and have an epidural. I asked my mother if she could come get me downstairs if Danielle starting asking for one.

I had to go downstairs because there were only two people allowed in the room with her at a time. At the time it was me, my mother, and her best friend in the room with her. So I went downstairs to finish my book by Max Elliot Anderson (more next week).

She didn’t have bad labor; it was pretty mild. It progressed pretty quickly though. When we arrived at the hospital at 12:45 a.m., she was experiencing slight labor pain. The nurse checked her and determined that she had dilated 5 cm. That was @ 1:30 a.m. By the time I changed places with my mother at 3:30, she was crying like a big ole’ baby. She tried to get an epidural, but she was already fully dilated, so she couldn’t get it. I went in the room, calmed her down and helped her through the pain with Lamaze breathing. She said that she was glad that I was there. I was happy to be there for her.

At about 3:30 a.m. they take her to the birthing room. At this hospital, permission from the doctor is required to have more than one person in there. Even though she got permission from her doctor ahead of time, her doctor wasn’t there, so we had to wait for the nurses to call her doctor. They weren’t able to get in contact with the doctor so finally the resident on call ok’d it. Continue reading “Ties That Bind & Bind and Bind…!”

Posted in Cute stuff, Food for thought, Great websites, In the know!!, life, Miscellaneous, teaching

The ABC’s Of First Year Teachers

I found this on a website:


  • Admit your mistakes — and learn from them.
  • Be firm but flexible.
  • Communicate with parents.
  • Develop a homework policy — and stick to it.
  • Empower your students; don’t just lecture to them.
  • Find time to attend after-school events.
  • Get to know all the teachers in your school and make friends with the cooks, custodians, aides, and secretaries.
  • Have the courage to try something else if what you’re doing isn’t working.
  • Institute a clear discipline policy — and enforce it consistently.
  • Just listen — both to what the kids are saying and to what they’re not saying.
  • Keep a journal.
  • Learn your school’s policies and procedures.
  • Model desired attitudes and behavior.
  • Non carborundum ignorami. (Don’t let the imbeciles wear you down.)
  • Overplan.
  • Prepare interesting lessons.
  • Quit worrying and just do your best.
  • Remember that you teach students first, then you teach whatever academic discipline you learned.
  • Stay alert.
  • Take pictures.
  • Understand that the learning process involves everyone — teachers, students, colleagues, and parents — and get everyone involved.
  • Volunteer to share projects and ideas, and don’t be afraid to ask others to share their ideas with you.
  • Work within your limits.
  • Xpect the unexpected — and plan for it!
  • Yell if you need support.
  • Zero in on your strengths, not your weaknesses. (Remember — nobody’s perfect)
Posted in book reviews

Purple, Green and Yellow by Robert Munsch

I love books so much that it’s hard to narrow down the ones that I want to review. I could review a book a day and it still wouldn’t scratch the surface. This book that I chose today was an easy choice. It is one of my favorite books. It is written by Robert Munsch and illustrated by Helene Desputeaux; it’s called Purple, Green & Yellow.


In the book, the title character, a little girl named Brigid, has to have markers just like her friends. At first she just wants the kind that wash off with just water. She begs her mom for them; her mom relents and buys them- 500 washable coloring markers. She draws lemons that are yellower than lemons, and roses that are redder than roses, and oranges that are oranger that oranges.

Next, she wants markers that smell. Finally she works her way up to these indelible-never come off- even when you scrub markers. They’re so beautiful that she colors everything with it; her fingernails, her hands, her face, her belly button and even her dad. He just doesn’t know it.

She has a great idea, she reaches down into the bottom of the coloring markers and gets a special-colored marker the same color as her. What happens next? You’re just going to have to read the book and find out.

This book will make you laugh and smile all the way through. I would say that kids as young as five will enjoy having it read to them. The time to read it independently is about 3rd-6th grade.

Read it and enjoy!

Posted in humor, kickin' kaknowledge, life, Miscellaneous, Random thoughts, teaching

Don’t Become A Verb! (Conjunction, Junction, What’s Your Function?)

My husband is a very caring, compassionate and sympathetic listener. As a result, many people come to him with their problems. The problem is when those who he have lent a shoulder to to cry on don’t return the favor. At his old job there was this guy, Amir, who always had a sob story, even though he lived in a mansion in Chatsworth. One time, the guy even had the nerve to complain about the maid not cleaning his room the way he wanted her too. Serious- no joke.

Anyway, he was always crying on my husband’s shoulder about some imagined ill or wrong done to him. Amir loved talking to my husband because he could always depend on him.

The time came when my husband needed a shoulder to cry on so he went to the one who always cried on his-Amir. Continue reading “Don’t Become A Verb! (Conjunction, Junction, What’s Your Function?)”

Posted in Random thoughts

Future Postings Coming Up Early

I was wondering if anyone else out there is having this problem that I am. I write just like I talk so I have posts saved up for days that I schedule to post. Last night, two posts that I scheduled for the 29th and the 30th showed up. I went to my dashboard to check and make sure that I didn’t accidentally schedule them all for the same time. I checked; I didn’t.

The way that I made them go away was by editing them. Then they returned to lala land. Is anyone else having this problem with future postings coming up early?

Posted in Food for thought, life, Miscellaneous


I found this wonderful e-zine, My Goodness Magazine! Their style is reminiscent of Susan Taylor’s “In the Spirit.” Every time I read one of their articles, I am inspired. They are very thought provoking. I went over there early this morning and read Monique Ruffin-James’ article on “Friends.”

I was inspired by the article to write about my own friends. I love my friends. Most of them have been around for more than half my life. Sherice and Michelle, sisters, have been around for 22 years (I feel old just saying that), Traci for 21, Jeanette for 19, and Annette for 2.

Me & Michelle met in 10th grade English class. I became fast friends with her, met her sister, and we became fast friends. They have been there for me through thick and thin. I remember when I was pregnant when I was 19. I was so embarrassed. I was hospitalized for an asthma attack. Somehow Sherice & Michelle found out and came to the hospital to visit me. Sherice asked me why I didn’t tell her that I was pregnant. I said that I was embarrassed. She told me never to be embarrassed to tell her anything because she is my best friend.

“That’s what friends are for,” she said. Continue reading “Stickfish!”

Posted in Food for thought, life, Miscellaneous, Random thoughts

Is The Pot Blacker Than The Kettle?

I have been doing quite a bit of soul searching lately; a lot, actually, for the past couple of months. There are certain times in life that lends itself to tremendous periods of growth. This is one of those times for me. It started with what shall forever be known as “the jumper incident.” It was like my eyes were opened to certain things that I just had to accept are not going to change.

_black_pot.jpg kettle.jpg

I have been writing a lot about my family lately and that’s the reason why. I have to finally accept that they are never going to be who I want them to be. Actually when you think about it, it’s not fair to expect them to be. I am doing the same thing to them that they are doing to me. How about that for a case of the pot calling the kettle black?

This post started off being about one thing and ended up being about acceptance. I don’t want to whine and moan, I just want resolutions. Ya’ know what, I got it. I HAVE to learn to accept my family for who they are. They are who they are, just like I am who I am. They’re not going to change and neither am I.

Posted in life, Miscellaneous, Random thoughts, teaching

Get In Where You Fit In

I am wayyy different than my family. This used to be a big problem for me when I was younger. It has been an even bigger problem since I’ve gotten older. It’s like “damned if I do, damned if I don’t.”

When I graduated from high school, my family was proud of me. When I went off to college, they were even prouder of me. When I had a baby at 19, they were not. At that point it was like welcome to the jungle. You’re no different than the rest of us. You went and got yourself knocked up by the first boy you met. Serves you right for thinking that you’re better than us anyway.

Okay! Wait! Hold the phone! Who said anything about me thinking that I’m better than anybody? If anything, it’s the other way around. My family has never really made me feel particularly loved. With all four of my children, no one, I repeat, no one came to see me in the hospital except for my husband and my children. I have always been made to feel like I was different because I preferred to stay inside and read instead of going outside; also because I didn’t think like others.

They have always called me weird or white girl. People this is laughable as there’s no way on God’s green earth that I would ever pass for white. That stuff stung; it hurt a lot.

My problem is that I have never, ever fit in. I wasn’t black enough for black folks, nor was I white enough for white folks. Where then do I fit in? That’s a question that I asked myself a lot. Where do I fit in? Continue reading “Get In Where You Fit In”

Posted in update

I Did It!

Okay, I finally took my final for my Oceanography class-the only thing keeping my degree from posting. It was hard. N-e way, I did and got it over with. While I was there, I ordered my transcripts to be sent to Azusa when the Professor finishes grading my test.

God really takes care of me. The professor, who’s a geologist, was away on a dig. He just came back. I was lucky enough to catch him in the office, because if I didn’t I would have had to wait for the office to mail it to him, for him to grade it and then send it in with my grade, which could have taken up to a month. Thank God that I didn’t have to go through all of that. Now it should only be about a week for my degree to post. Hallelujah and thank you Jesus!

Posted in In the know!!, life, Miscellaneous

Come On, Get It Together Girl!

Do you sometimes sabotage yourself? I don’t know about you, but I do. One such instance, in particular, is my hesitation about taking the final for a class that I finished in April. I was sick the day of the final, but I have had plenty of time to make it up since then. That class is the only thing keeping my degree from posting; the only thing keeping me from realizing my almost elusive dream of obtaining my degree.

“Why haven’t I taken the test before now?,” I ask myself. I don’t know. I just don’t have the answer to that. Up until this point, I have worked so hard to get my degree. At one point, I was going to four, count ’em, four schools at the same time. On Mondays, I went to Los Angeles Southwest College to finish my speech class. On Wednesdays, I went to Azusa to finish up my last class, Art. On Saturday, I went to an English class in West Covina, and finally, on Sunday, I went to Los Angeles Valley College to finish my Oceanography class. This is the infamous class for which I still haven’t taken my final.

As a result of being married to a wonderful man who has always tried to get me to continually improve myself, I have been on a quest to do just that. I, like millions of others, discovered “The Secret” on Oprah a couple of months ago. Continue reading “Come On, Get It Together Girl!”

Posted in update

Studying Really Pays Off!

I was too tired to write a lot about the C.S.E.T. yesterday. What with being on baby watch with my little sister and studying, I didn’t have a lot of time to do anything.

But here’s the synopsis: I got there in good time; the testing site wasn’t too far, and checked in. I was nervous, but hopeful. When I took it the first time, I felt like I had been blindsighted. The multiple choice part of the test was fine; it was the essay questions that did me in. I passed part III, but failed part I by just a few points (11). I knew that if I just studied that I would do fine this time.

Well, I was correct. I studied hard this time and was rewarded when I opened up the test booklet and read the essay questions, I was so happy. I knew that I could pass this time. As I said yesterday, time will tell, but I’m pretty sure that I passed both parts. I hate the fact that I have to wait a month to find out, but there’s nothing that I can do, but wait. Here’s hoping for the best!

‘Til next time!

Posted in life, Miscellaneous

Moriah Ahmani!

Congratulations are in order. I just got home from the hospital. I have been on baby watch for a week. My little sister, Danielle, just gave birth, @ 4:10 a.m. to a beautiful, 7lb., 19 inch little girl by the name of Moriah Ahmani. She reminds me so much of Danielle when she was a baby. I am, once again, a proud auntie. I am happy to report that mother and daughter are doing fine.

**P.S.-The baby was early. She was due on the wonderful day, Friday, July 27th, my birthday.**

Posted in In the know!!, life, Miscellaneous

Good Summer Eatin’ On A Budget!

When I was going to school and didn’t want to spend extra time planning the menu and shopping, I let our food budget way outta’ control- as high as $800/month. Some may not think that that is expensive for a family of six, but I have had our food budget down to as little as $400/month. The Fashionista suggested that I post this when we were talking about my children’s healthy (GREEDY) appetites and my response to that. Since I don’t work in the summer, money is pretty tight. This means that I have to come up with ways to stretch my food budget without breaking the bank. Wanna’ learn how I spend less than $400/month for a family of six? Like to hear about it, here it goes. Continue reading “Good Summer Eatin’ On A Budget!”

Posted in Food for thought, life, Miscellaneous

Thirteen Things My Family Would Never Say

Here’s my Thursday thirteen.

Thirteen things that members of my family would never say:

  1. Here’s the money I owe you.
  2. No, no, no. I’m not going to act a fool at ______’s baby shower/wedding/graduation.
  3. Here, let me help you with that?
  4. Maybe I shouldn’t be so embarrassing!
  5. Let’s go out. On me!
  6. (Loudly) Did anybody lose $20? I just found $20.
  7. Get rid of that yucky candy. Pass the vegetables.
  8. I’m here early.
  9. I was reading this book and…..
  10. What can I bring for Thanksgiving?
  11. No, you’re not the black sheep.
  12. I don’t want to start any trouble.
  13. I’m sorry.
Posted in Food for thought, life, Miscellaneous

Time To Stop Hiding!

I had this dream last night that is symbolic of conditions in my life. In the dream, it was the end of the world and I was hiding from everything. I was terrified. I kept running and running, and hiding and hiding from the boogie man. The only thing was that I couldn’t get away from him. So finally, I got tired of running, turned around, looked him square in the eye and told him that I was simply not scared of him anymore.

dreaming.jpg I strongly believe in my dreams. Of course, some are utter nonsense, but others are definitely our subconscious working things out for us or trying to tell us something that we just won’t listen to or accept in our waking life. That dream said to me that I am on track and doing exactly what I’m supposed to be doing. You may be wondering how I got this from my dream. Well, there are a lot of little details that I left out because I just can’t put the feelings and emotions into words.
photo credit
Even though I sometimes think that my life hasn’t gone exactly the way it’s supposed to, it has. Although…there has been times in my life, when I was depressed and I didn’t love me as much and I would scream bloody hell and wonder why, oh why, did my life turn out like this. But, you know what? My life isn’t half bad. It just got off to a slow start is all.

My dream was just showing me that I was hiding from issues in my life that I had to deal with, but have since decided to face up to. It was showing that now is the time to stop hiding and step up to the plate, like I was saying in my post a couple of days ago.

What are you hiding from? Are you facing your fears? If no, why not?

Posted in My rant

Shame On You PBS!

I have a little something to get off my chest about PBS’ programming. I can remember a time when PBS meant quality programming and educational shows.
barney2.jpg That is not the case anymore. It all started a couple of years ago when they took off a classic, Reading Rainbow. They also got rid of this show called Puzzle Place. Does anyone out there remember Puzzle Place? It was the best show. It taught values and how to act. That was replaced with the likes of Barney, Teletubbies and Boohbah.

What the hell are they? What is the show about? I ask myself that the whole time I’m watching it as I’m beating my head against the wall because my daughter thinks it’s cute. It’s neither cute nor educational. It makes me wonder why PBS even picked it up in the first place. I wonder what they were thinking. It’s mindless drivel.

Teletubbies? I don’t even have words. I don’t care how cute my 5-year old thinks it is, I’m putting a stop to it and so should you PBS.teletubbies-happypreview.png

In less than 10 years, you went from having some of the best programs on the air, to airing stuff like Boohbah! For shame, PBS! For shame! You can do a lot better!

Posted in teaching

What Happened?

When my children were really little, I did not make them wait for stuff. Whenever they asked me for something, I would get right up and get it. Now, I don’t do that. I don’t know what happened, but I stopped doing that. I’m not mad at the results though. Whenever Phillise wants something, she’ll ask once or twice. but if i don’t get up right away like I used to, she will get it herself. I like that she is so independent, but it makes me feel so bad because I feel so useless and so unfit. I feel like I’m neglecting her; like I could and should do more. I am trying to find a balance because I did way too much for Sam & Dakota, but it looks like I’m losing right now. I need help being a better me. Help!

Posted in Food for thought, life, Miscellaneous

Right Here, Right Now!

There is such a dearth of support in my little church. No, no, that’s not right. I’m being too specific. It’s not just my church, It’s in general. There are not enough people stepping up and doing what is right. There have been many times now and in the past when I did not step up because of apathy, not having the time or just being plain laziness.

church2.jpg There is one man at my church who has always kept things going. He’s the proverbial glue that holds everything together. He’s always there and always prepared. Last Wednesday, on 4th of July, at our annual church picnic, I thought that I would tell him just how special he is. He was ever so modest. He couldn’t believe that I thought so highly of him. To him, it was just what he does. He saw a need and he filled it.We need more people like Mr. Green.

This made me think about why I’m not doing what I need to be doing. I could do so much more than I’m doing: at home, at work, and at church. I have become a bit of a slacker. Continue reading “Right Here, Right Now!”

Posted in Cute stuff, humor, Miscellaneous

Attention: Job Opening

Attention all women, there’s a job waiting for you. It will be the hardest job you’ve ever loved; but you will love it. Here’s the job description:


Mother, Mom, Mama, Mommy, Ma

crayons1.jpg house-kids_drawing.jpg crayons1.jpg


Long term, team players needed, for challenging permanent work in an, often

chaotic environment. Candidates must possess excellent communication and

organizational skills and be willing to work variable hours, which will

include evenings and weekends and frequent 24 hour shifts on call. Some

overnight travel required, including trips to primitive camping sites on

rainy weekends and endless sports tournaments in far away cities. Travel

expenses not reimbursed. Extensive courier duties also required.


The rest of your life. Must be willing to be hated, at least temporarily,

until someone needs $5. Must be willing to bite tongue repeatedly. Also,

must possess the physical stamina of a pack mule and be able to go from

zero to 60 mph in three seconds flat in case, this time, the screams from

the backyard are not someone just crying wolf. Must be willing to face

stimulating technical challenges, such as small gadget repair, mysteriously

sluggish toilets and stuck zippers. Must screen phone calls, maintain

calendars and coordinate production of multiple homework projects. Must

have ability to plan and organize social gatherings for clients of all ages

and mental outlooks. Must be willing to be indispensable one minute, an

embarrassment the next. Must handle assembly and product safety testing of

a half million cheap, plastic toys, and battery operated devices. Must

always hope for the best but be prepared for the worst. Must assume final,

complete accountability for the

quality of the end product. Responsibilities also include floor

maintenance and janitorial work throughout the facility.


Virtually none. Your job is to remain in the same position for years,

without complaining, constantly retraining and updating your skills, so

that those in your charge can ultimately surpass you


None required unfortunately. On-the-job training offered on a continually

exhausting basis.


Get this! You pay them! Offering frequent raises and bonuses. A balloon

payment is due when they turn 18 because of the assumption that college

will help them become financially independent. When you die, you give them

whatever is left. The oddest thing about this reverse-salary scheme is that

you actually enjoy it and wish you could only do more.


While no health or dental insurance, no pension, no tuition reimbursement,

no paid holidays and no stock options are offered; this job supplies

limitless opportunities for personal growth and free hugs for life if you

play your cards right.

This is an old one but I had to put it up anyway. I love it. Enjoy!!!

Posted in book reviews

Math Curse by Jon Scieszka

This book, written by Jon Scieszka and illustrated by Lane Smith, is really silly and funny. Even the dedication is silly (If the sum of my nieces and nephews equals 15, and their product equals 54, and I have more nephews than nieces, HOW MANY NEPHEWS AND HOW MANY NIECES IS THIS BOOK DEDICATED TO?

This is one of the books that David and many other little boys who hate to read, love. The inside of the book reminds me of a peechee folder. Does anyone remember the peechee folder? Back in the day, it was gold with two pockets with all types of formulas and information on the inside. There’s information about time measurement, a circle’s diameter, and all other kinds of information. So not only is the book fun to read, it’s informational also.


Here’s the synopsis:

On Monday, the teacher, Mr. Fibonacci, tells the class that almost everything can be thought of as a math problem. Because of this, the character in the book, the same little girl from Science Verse, thinks that her teacher has put a Math Curse on her. Everything she looks at or thinks about has become a math problem.

Even English is a word problem: If mail + box= malibox, does lipstick- stick= lip? Does tunafish + tunafish= fournafish?

Boys as young as 2nd grade enjoy this book, but I would say to truly get a real understanding, I recommend it for 4th grade and up. David, the little boy down the street and many little boys in my class loved this book. This is definitely a book that boys who hate to read will love to read.

Yes, I recommend it for girls as well. Well, what are you waiting for, go get it!

Posted in life, Miscellaneous, update

Revved Up & Still Ready To Go!!

My body tones up so fast, it makes me wonder why I didn’t just do this a long time ago. It has been less than a week and already I see results. I have gone everyday except yesterday because I am just too sore and Phillise is sick with a summer cold. I’m going today, in about an hour. It takes me a long time to make up my mind about certain things, but once I decide, there’s no stopping me.

champagne1.jpgHere’s to my weight loss, continued motivation and staying on track!

Posted in Food for thought, life, Miscellaneous

Thirteen Common Truths

Here’s thirteen common truths:

  1. Children are very expensive.
  2. College is very expensive.
  3. Buying a house is better than renting. No matter how much responsibility it is.
  4. Making your child’s name so unique that even they can’t spell it until they’re 12 is not cute.
  5. Turning 18 does not mean that you’re grown.
  6. You cannot do it all by yourself. There is always someone there.
  7. It’s not cute to be irresponsible at 30.
  8. Getting a $400 raise does not mean that you can now afford that car for $450/month.
  9. You are not going to stay young forever.
  10. If you get pregnant and have a child, you just might get stretch marks.
  11. Everything comes to an end.
  12. Nothing too good or too bad lasts for too long.
  13. If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.
Posted in Food for thought, life, Random thoughts

Stolen, Cherished Moments

This is something that bugs me until I think about it. My children love to talk to me. Especially when I’m doing something. Well, I thought about it one day while I was fussing at them to leave me alone. What would happen if they did leave me alone?

Dakota is tight-lipped Larry, so when he wants to tell me something, I try to remember to stop what I’m doing and listen to him because those times are rare and I don’t know when they’re going to happen again.

I also think about how I’m 36, soon to be 37, with 2 teen-age sons; one soon to be in 11th grade, the other soon to be in college. Since I had them young and am aging well, people often think that I am their older sister. One time when I went to pick Sam up from school last year, the nurse acted like she didn’t want to release him to me. She kept asking me if I was his mother or his sister. It was very flattering.

Now that I’m finished bragging, back to the lecture at hand. How can I have a kid, soon to be in college, when I still feel like a kid? That’s exactly my point. I was just a kid not too long ago. I said/wrote all that to say cherish them. They grow old much too quickly. So what if they interrupt me when I’m trying to read. So what if they want to talk when it isn’t exactly convenient to me. That’s what I’m here for. I do take time for myself (a lot during the summer), but I’m there when it counts.

Be the best mom, aunt, nanny, dad, uncle, godmother or godfather you can be! Here’s to us!

Posted in Food for thought, update

Revved Up & Ready To Go!

I was late for my 8:30 a.m. appointment, so the trainer wouldn’t see me. I waited for 15 minutes, then I went and did my own thing. I did 20 minutes on the stair stepper, 150 crunches and about 30 minutes of other exercises. Tomorrow, I’m going to do the elliptical for an all over body workout and a little cardio.

I’m already sore, but it’s a good sore. I’m not even going to be a little sissy about it. I’m going to stretch and grin and bear it. Until next time, hasta la bye-bye.

Posted in Random thoughts

Delayed Postings!

I don’t know if everyone is having this problem that I am. The posts that I have scheduled for the past four days have not posted or they have been delayed. Is anyone else experiencing this? Is there a glitch in the system?

**Also, I just noticed that some of my posts are set to private when I didn’t set it to private. What’s up with that?

Posted in book reviews

Science Verse by Jon Scieszka

What an ironic twist of fate. Do you recall a couple of weeks ago when I didn’t like a Jon Scieszka book and David did? Well, this post is piggybacking off of that. Now the shoe is on the other foot. I really loved this Jon Scieszka book and David hated it.

In the book he talks about dinosaurs, evolution, the water cycle and so many more . That’s the main reason why David didn’t like the book. He said that it talked about too many subjects. Though I loved it, I would have to agree with that. I think that was part of the problem. It’s too “old” for a 9-year old. The book is reminiscent of Math Curse (will do a book review on Saturday). In Math Curse, the child sees everything as a math problem; in Science Verse, the child hears everything as a science poem.

He fears that his teacher has zapped him with a SCIENCE VERSE. Here’s an example of some of his poems:

CHANGES (Sung to “I’m A Little Teapot”)


I‘m a little mealworm, Short and wiggly.


Here’s my antenna, Cute and jiggly.


Now I am a pupa, Squat and white.


How did this happen? I’m a sight.


Now I am a beetle.


What is this?


I really hate Metamorphosis.


Here’s the one that I love, that was much too complicated for David’s 9-year old brain: Continue reading “Science Verse by Jon Scieszka”

Posted in sales and discounts

Lakeshore Sale!

Hey people! There’s an up to 75% OFF online only sale @ Lakeshore.

If you want to see what they have, the website address islakeshore.png: There are sales for under $5- under $20. While you’re there, you can order a catalog, check out the teacher’s workshop and sign up the free kids workshops on Saturdays.

I am unsure about when that big sale on rugs is going to be. But if I find out, I will let you know.

Check it out!

***P.S.*** Hurry up. Things are selling out fast. There’s already a lot of stuff sold out!

Posted in teaching

I Started!

I kept my 10:00 a.m. appointment @ 24 hour fitness. I liked what I saw, so I joined. I also have an 8:30 appointment with a trainer tomorrow morning. I am on my way! Hallelujah, I’m on my way!

Posted in In the know!!, life, Miscellaneous, update

Where Do I Start?

24-hour-fitness.jpgWhat do I start? Now that I have put it out there, what am I going to do? What is my plan to lose this weight? Here’s the answer:

I have a 10:00 a.m. appointment at 24 hour fitness. I have a 1 week free trial that I’m going to use to make sure that I’m making the right decision. If it’s right for me, then I will join and be on my way to achieving my weight loss goal.

If you go to their website,, near the bottom of the page there’s a free 7-day pass. Hurry up though. The offer ends soon!

Check it out!

Posted in Anecdotes, Food for thought, life, Miscellaneous

Uhhh, What’s The Question?

Good morning. How are you doing? Are you still at the same job?

I can’t complaint. Life’s treating me well.

How’s your son? Didn’t he just have a birthday?

Yeah, she’s alright. The missus sends her love.

I sit there dumbfounded. What? says the look that I give.

Did he even hear what I said?

This conversation repeats all around the world. People don’t pay attention anymore. Responses are so programmed that you can barely have an honest to goodness unprogrammed, non-robotic conversation. When I realized that I was doing the same thing, I started listening. Life is too short to have a series of meaningless encounters. Now, when someone asks me how I am doing, I actually stop if I have the time and shoot the breeze.

Do you?

Posted in update

Book Club Update Yet Again

One of my recruits, with his 8 year old self, is the first one to read 10 books and claim his prize. I am so proud of him. I haven’t been getting on David enough. I am going to right now as soon as finish this post. I am not going to fall off like last year. I am not where I should be but I am still on track.

***P.S.*** After writing this post, I got David to write down the books that he read. Now I really don’t feel like such a slacker. He just hadn’t been writing them down. Once we wrote them down, we realized that he read 12.

Since Keila can’t read, I let her get credit for her books that I read her if she can tell me about the book after I finish. So, I’ve read Keila 14 books that I can remember. So they both got prizes.

I will post the forms later. Bye for now.

Posted in Great websites

A Site For Writers

Since I have decided that I have more than enough space inside my addled little brain to do more than one thing at a time, I have decided to pursue my other love of writing also. I found this site, called EditRed, that will showcase your writing and allow you to sell your books, if that is what you want; there are even contests with cash prizes to enter.

ink-pen-in-head.jpgI was blown away by the amount of talent there. I’m going to upload a short story that I was just working on about unrequited love. My name is Leilab37.
If you are an aspiring writer and would like to take a look, here’s the address:

Check it out!

Posted in Food for thought, life, Miscellaneous, Random thoughts

Capital One

What’s in your wallet? More importantly, what’s in you?

Since I am a busy mother of a very adorable 5-year old little girl, I watch a lottttt of Nickelodeon, Boomerang, and Disney channel. Well, we were watching this Disney movie with Brenda Song (of Suite Life of Zack & Cody fame) in it, Wendy Wu. It’s basically a Buffy the Vampire Slayer ripoff. In the movie, Wendy does some pretty miraculous things. When she asks the guy, her protector, how she does it, he tells her that what’s in her is coming out.

That’s how it is with life. What’s in you will come out. It’s natural. It has to come out. There have been times in my life when I have had to dig down deep and find that place in myself to help me make it through the day. It was there the whole time. I just had to help it come out in this case.

How do you make it through the day when you’re having a tough time? What’s in you?

Posted in Food for thought, life, Miscellaneous

That’s not baby fat! That’s just fat, baby!

That’s not baby fat, that’s just fat baby!leila-grad.jpg
Those are words from a character on Moesha (I think). And that just about sums up my situation. When my daughter was younger, I could blame my weight gain on having her. Now that she’s 5, what’s my excuse?

It’s time to stop making excuses and get this excess weight off of me. I like to call myself curvaceous, and I am, but some of it is excess curves. I was just over at soupornuts and he had a great post as usual about stepping on his own toes and taking his own advice. In his post, he says that he’s noticed that he put on a little weight, so he is on a quest to do something about that and have asked others to join him. I, for one, am going to join him. Continue reading “That’s not baby fat! That’s just fat, baby!”

Posted in Food for thought, life, Miscellaneous, Random thoughts, teaching

Don’t Fail To Plan!

There’s this saying that if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail. Truer words have never been spoken. That’s what this post is about- making a conscious decision to be a better me. Planning to be a better me.

My problem is that in the summer, I don’t have a set time to be anywhere. I am on my own schedule. That can be a dangerous thing for me since I have to have structure. I’ve only been out of work for two weeks now, but already I can feel the depression coming over me like it does every summer.

Me. I have to have a plan for the day/week/month/year or else, like most people, I get sidetracked so fast it’ll make your head spin. I have resolved to stave off this depression by keeping busy doing productive stuff for the summer. This morning I discovered an opportunity to be a volunteer for an adult literacy program. Incidentally, I discovered that I really wanted to be a teacher 10 years ago when I was a tutor for the World Literacy Crusade. Funny how things come full circle.

We never know how this life is going to turn out, but we can try to help it along. We can start each day anew with a great plan or we can do like I used to do every summer and just waste it away without a plan.

What’s your plan for this summer? Something productive I hope!

Posted in humor, life, Miscellaneous, Random thoughts

People Watching!

This is a term that my husband introduced me to. I used to do it with my sisters, but we didn’t put a name to it. Sometimes we would be so tired from shopping that we would just sit somewhere in the mall or wherever we happened to be and just watch people go by.

Just in case you didn’t know, people watching is just as the name implies. Okay, it’s basically spying. You sit around and just watch people. For however long you want to.

The best time to go is when it’s really crowded, like Black Friday (the Friday after Thanksgiving) and during the rest of the Christmas shopping rush.

Well, my husband and I have our monthly dates. We usually do dinner, but this time we did a lunch date. We went to Universal City Walk. It’s a veritable smorgasbord of people. There are so many people. We like to look for the “How’d that happen?” type couples. Some couples you just wouldn’t expect to know each other, let alone be together. We’ve seen a lot over the years during our people watching time. Sometimes the opportunity just presents itself. Other times, you’ve got to make it work. At any rate, it’s fun.

You should try it some time!

Posted in Great websites, life, Miscellaneous, teaching

Thursday’s thirteen meme

I just found this great website. It’s called I am still unclear about how it works, but from what I understand, every Thursday, you post a list with 13 things on whatever random thing you want to post about.

Here’s mine.

Thirteen things I love to do:

  1. Nothing.
  2. Play with paper dolls by myself and with my daughter.
  3. Watch sci-fi.
  4. Watch cheesy films/shows.
  5. Spend time with my children.
  6. Spend time with my husband.
  7. Spend time by myself.
  8. Read.
  9. Write.
  10. Go people watching (more later).
  11. Shop.
  12. Clean up.
  13. Relax.
Posted in teaching

7 Random Things

Hey, I’ve finally been tagged to write 7 random things about myself from startingtoday.

And here they are:

1. Even though a lot of people know this, I’m going to write it anyway. I’m a sci-fi nut/junkie. I love all of the Star Treks and almost anything sci-fi. I even watch those extra cheesy sci-fi original movies. I know, it’s pathetisad.

2. I am studying for the CSET. Only my future is riding on passing it.

3. I still love playing with paper dolls.

4. I’m an odd person. Not many people understand me. Those who get me, get me. Those who don’t, don’t.

5. I have an off-beat sense of humor. I will laugh at almost anything. A joke has to be pretty lame for me not to laugh.

6. Even though everyone has so much faith in me, sometimes I have serious doubts.

7. I’ll be 37 this month.

I’m trying to think of seven other people to tag, but I don’t know that many. The Fashionista’s already been tagged, so that leaves What’s new and exciting! and Alejandra.

Posted in life, Miscellaneous, My rant

No Cash For The Volleyball Please!

Have you seen that commercial where everyone is paying with credit mastercard1.gif and debit cards atmdebitcard.jpgand someone comes along and pays with cash? Well, that’s what my post is about. When someone comes in and messes things up. This is one of my pet peeves.

There’s a certain order to things; certain dynamics involved in a group. There’s the leader, there’s the yes man and there’s the naysayer who always finds fault but never offers up any good ideas. Of course there are others, but these are the basics.Well, there’s almost always a kink when a new person arrives. That’s what happened when I was at the park yesterday. Here’s the story:


Our church plays volleyball. It’s just an impromptu get together where whoever wants to play plays regardless of their skill level; but it’s usually the same people. We have our own little rhythm going; we tease each other and playfully make fun of each other when the ball goes out of bounds. Well, someone new came along and definitely put a kink in things. She didn’t understand the dynamic of our group. She started gettin’ all serious and trying to control our silly playing. Well, we ignored her and she finally shut up and left.

I said/wrote all that to say this, whenever you go to a new group/place, don’t come in and try to take over. I’m not saying don’t offer up or express your opinions or anything, just do it in a way that’s respectful to the other members of the group and respect their dynamic.

That my dear sir or madam is my rant for the day!

Posted in Cute stuff, Miscellaneous

So Creative!

My little girl is so creative!

She made this creation out of pennies and different coins lying around the house all by herself.


I’m creative and her grandmother is an artist, so she’s definitely a natural. I am so proud of her. Whenever she wants to do something, she does it. If she asks me to do something for her and I take too long, she does it herself.

Posted in life, Miscellaneous, Random thoughts

What Is This World Coming To?

There’s a lesson to be learned from everything. I learned a very important lesson yesterday that I will not soon forget. It was a very painful one, but a much needed one. It made me decide to do something that I have been putting off for too long.

I have been dealing with these issues for most of my life. I am the black sheep of the family, but not in the way that you would think. No matter what I do it isn’t good enough. I’m damned if I do and damned if I don’t. There was an incident at my house yesterday where I was the voice of reason, but was made to feel like I was the morally challenged one.

What is this world coming to when the one who is morally right is made to feel wrong?