Posted in teaching

R.I.P. John Wooden (1910-2010)

It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts. **
~John Wooden~

While I was watching E.S.P.N. early this morning with my husband, I heard the news about the passing of one of America’s greatest treasures, Mr. John Wooden (1910-2010). He succumbed from natural causes just shy of his 100th birthday. This is odd to say, but I expected him to live for another couple of years. His passing was like George Burns’. I know he was up there in age, but whenever I watched U.C.L.A.’s basketball games, I enjoyed seeing him and expected to continue seeing him.

I, of course, did not personally know him, but I still admired him.He was loved by all. What I liked most about him is that no one spoke ill of him. Everyone loved him. That is some feat. I know it was because he treated everyone from the shoeshine boy to the billionaire with the same respect.

GOOD-BYE MR. WOODEN. You will be truly missed!

** I had a hard time narrowing down which one of his quotes to use.

HERE’S TO 2010!