Posted in life, teaching

So Conflicted!

Dear Readers,
I had a good laugh today, even though I probably shouldn’t have. During yard duty I saw that one of the first graders was having a bit of a hard time. You could see it in her face. So I asked her what was wrong.
She replied, “Well, Angelina & her friends are being mean to me & my dad told me if they are mean to me or if they hit me, then I should hit them. But I don’t want to hit them. But my dad told me to hit them.
“What should I do?” she asked herself.
It was like an epic battle of good and evil! I could see the seriousness of the situation, but it was incredibly funny. You had to see the look on her face. Let me assuage your fears lest you think I ‘m a monster. I did talk to her and calm her down, but it was still funny!